Taste Of Loneliness

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The burning sensation ran down his throat being the only thing he could feel through the numbing pain. The pain he gladly welcomed, because he deserved it. After all he did to her he deserved everything coming at him. With another tilt of the bottle he allowed the alcohol to run down his throat, hoping for the darkness to swallow him up just as it had swallowed her. Just as it had swallowed his life.

It has been autumn when the accident happened. When tragedy struck bringing loneliness as its plus one. He should have listened to her, maybe she still would be here if he had. All she had wanted was to stay at home and just relax, yet he dragged her to that stupid party. He dragged her to her end. 


He threw the now empty bottle of alcohol at the wall and watched it shatter into a million pieces.

'Now it matches my heart' He thought as he opened up another bottle to drown his sorrow in. Another bottle to try and keep the demons at bay. To try and erase all the painful memories, the painful beating in his chest.

"Don't drink tonight honey, I want to tell you something when we get home and you need to be sober." She had told him. She had tried to tell him anyways but he didn't listen. She had tried to let him know, tried so hard to open his eyes and yet he stayed oblivious making his stupid mistakes.

That crisp autumn night, the one that haunts his dreams and his mind, had been completely his fault. Nothing anybody could say would change that. Nothing could change the truth. That night he had one to many drinks, and had not let her drive home. That night he did the one thing he promised her to never do; he was drinking and driving.

"Honey you're drunk! Please just let me drive the car, it will be fine." She had begged, she had pleaded for him to see it from her point of view. He was to stubborn though, and now he's paying the price.

"Just get in the car! I'm fine, I only had one drink!" He had slurred out, grabbing her arm and putting her in the car. He had seen her eyes flash with fear when he started the car. How could he have been so careless? Her parents had died from a drunk driving accident, he knew the possible consequences. Yet he still drove that while under the influence, and now she's paying for his mistake.

"No! No, stop! Watch out!" She had screamed but it was to late, he ran the red light making a car collide right into them. Right into her. Screams pierced the night as the car rolled down the highway, glass shattered and blood spilled mixing along with their tears.

"Love are you alright?!?!" He had groaned out when the car finally came to a stop. He got groans and whimpers as a respond and his heart beat faster.

"I-I-I-I'm so tired." She had breathed into the night. He could hear it though, he could hear the fact that she had given up.

"No! No, just stay awake honey! Please for me just keep your eyes open!" He urged on. He couldn't lose her not now, not ever.

"It hurts too much." She whimpered out, desperation clear in her voice.

"T-t-tell me, t-t-tell me what you wanted to tell me earlier." He said trying to distract her. Trying to keep her mind away from the pain. The pain he inflicted her.

A chuckle escaped her lips, "I'm pregnant.".

And his world started spinning. She's pregnant, she's having his baby, she's with freaking child! She's dying. She's dying and so is their unborn child.

"I'm sorry, I love you" She had managed to whisper out before taking her last breath and closing her eyes. Closing the last things that gave him hope.

That's all he remembered before passing out and waking up at a hospital only to have his fears confirmed, his angel was dead as was their one month old baby.  All because of his drunken mistake.


He angrily threw another empty liquor bottle at the wall. It was all his fault! Completely his! Sobs rippled through him as he let out everything he had been holding down. The guilt, the pain, and all the remorse escaped his body in salty trader tears. He lost everything because of the same thing he's trying to drown his sorrow in. He lost his future to the taste of loneliness. No he lost his life and now all he has is the taste of loneliness.

He wiped his eyes, a useless act as the tears kept streaming out and with a shaking hand he lifted up a new bottle of loneliness and drowned the whole thing in seconds. His vision started to fuzz as he repeated the same action with two more bottles.

With a satisfied grin he openly accepted the darkness as it swallowed him up. As it took him to the ones that it had originally taken away from him. 

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