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💟Hello there! This section will just be a collection of tips provided in my old, now discontinued mythical journal. I thought it would be nice to have it all in one place.


• Use subliminals to become stronger.

•Use Protection subliminals


•Listen to guides about surviving in the wild

•Listen to guides on plant identification

•Listen to guides on how my make weapons out of every day materials.

•listen to guides on how to best plan your diet now that you probably won't be able to reach into the fridge and grab some ice cream (self call-out)


•Meet up with mythicals you know.

•Only meet you with online friend mythicals if you have at least was heard their voice, pedophile are out there!

•Trust your gut! If you think someone is suspicious, don't stick around with them/leave the area!

•form a group of people you will be able to stick with for many days and can work well with.

💟When away from the comfort of your bed, you will, without a doubt, feel homesick. Now, here's where I am going to practically save you.
How? One word. A plushie. And now, you might ask how a plushie will aid you in feeling less homesick, and here's how. Get a plushie that has a zipper in the back. This way you can hold small personal items inside of it, and when you cuddle with it at night, you can be reminded of your home. The bear I have is about two times the size of my hand, and can fit one large crystal (my selenite tower), a medium crystal (my titanium aura quartz), two small crystals (clear quartz and ruby aura quartz), as well as my pendulum!. Heck, I might be able to fit another small crystal if I really wanted to! But, yeah. That's my tip for feeling less home sick!

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