Chapter One

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Perrie turned around, blonde hair blowing in the wind, watching as Jade rushed to catch up to her in her little pumps. 

"How was Cancun?" Jade asked, finally walking into the school with Perrie, smiling at people she passed by in the hall.

Now, Jade and Perrie were both popular but in different ways. People like Jade because of how kind and generous she is, along with her amazing looks. She will always help people out even if it inconvienced her because, well, it's just in her nature.

Perrie, on the other hand, was popular because she was feared. As the leader of basically everthing involcving the student body, no one could stop her from getting what she wants. Some say she has a heart of steel, if she even has one at all. No one has ever seen her cry, even when she broke her leg in a game of field hockey.

"Good," Perrie shrugged. "I was hoping to finally tan, but instead I left as pale as before."

Jade smiled and linked her arm with Perrie's, walking in the direction of their registration room to recieve their timetables and get their usual beginning of the year speech for their tutor. 

"What did you do over break?" Perrie asked Jade once she and Jade were nearing the registration room.

"Same old thing." Jade said, pushing a wavy strand of hair behind her ear. "Just went down to our house in Dorset and relaxed."

"What's up, ladies?" Harry slid over to the girls and placed his arm on Perrie's shoulder, to which the blonde had to force herself to not blush.

Harry Styles was also very well liked. He and Perrie have had an ongoing flirtationship since they met in Year 8, when Harry moved to Cheshire from London. 

For some reason, Harry had suddenly decided he was gonna be a hipster which is kind of difficult with the uniform policy. Considering he wanted to show as much of his body as possible while following the rules, he had to do some improvising. So he wore these stupid fedoras, the tighest navy pants posible, and these dingy brown boots he was obsessed with.

All of the students found ways to improve their uniforms and make it their own. Jade spiced things up by wearing white thigh high socks instead of the full tights and different types of pumps, plus she changed her hair color at the beginning of the month. 

Perrie added her own style by specializing with jewelry and hairstyles. Today she was wearing a clunky gold necklace, diamond studs, and her hair was in a messy teased bun that she placed atop her head to show off her new cartilage piercing (she was kinda irritated with how no one had complimented it yet) and finished off with a black headband tht a big bow on it.

"Nothing much Styles," Jade beamed. "Where'd you go for break?"

"Went back up to Cheshire to visit some family then spent a couple days in Dorset," Harry replied nonchalantly.

"No way! I was in Dorset for the entire break!" Jade exclaimed. "You should've called so we could've hung out!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Jade saw Perrie shoot her the nastiest glare the blonde could muster. 

Harry and Perrie were really strange. They flirted almost all the time but neither would admit their feelings to the other because they are both incredibly stubborn. Yet they will do anything to make sure that the other does not get into a relationship.

So naturally, Perrie was pissed off with Jade for insinuating any form of one-on-one time between Jade and Harry. Especially since the entire school feels that Jade and Harry would be the "cutest couple ever!"

Jade and Harry had known each other before Harry moved to London with his family. They had done a musical program in the summer before Year 6 and they had been really close friends but once Jade found out she was moving to London she and Harry kinda lost touch. Then Harry said he was moving to London, and together Jade and Harry convinced Harry's parents to let him go to Redwood Independent School. Now here they are in their last year at Redwood, preparing to take their A levels.

"Alright, enough with the chit chat guys," Perrie rolled her eyes at the two talking. "We have to get to regristration because it starts in a minute."

And the three were off to begin Year 13.

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