Chapter Three: What You Wish

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Chapter Three

What you wish

Anastasia made her way to group lunch, her eager brother by her side as she explained what

had just happened with her hostile roommate. Afterwards, Filip gave her an irritated glare.

"Anastasia you need to control yourself," Filip sighed. "You can't just go pushing people down stairs. Especially someone like Ash."

Anastasia looked down at her feet.

"I'm sorry Filip," Anastasia admitted.

"Just don't do it again. You have the whole year to prove yourself to that wench," Filip reassured, elbowing Anastasia until a small smile creeped onto her lips.

They arrived at the tunnel of trees, a large tube made only out of interlocked branches. The entrance began large, but the tunnel squeezed smaller and smaller, until you had to crawl to reach the end.

They finally popped out of the tunnel, appearing in the clearing outside the School for Good where lunch was held every afternoon. Filip made his way to the Never's lunch line closer to their castle.

Anastasia intently listened to the viridescent grass that stretched across the clearing softly crunching under his leather boots. He slid into the line, beckoning for her to follow him. She rushed to take the vacant spot behind her brother, keeping a keen eye out for Ash.
A graceful, lanky Nymph floated towards Anastasia, her long green locks shimmering in the midday sun. The beautiful creature passed her a wooden picnic basket, smoothing her floral pink dress billowing behind her in the wind.

"Have a nice day," the Nymph breathed in the most attractive voice Anastasia had ever heard.

Anastasia readily thanked her, turning to follow her brother who was heading to sit with his best friend Caleb.
"Hey Caleb," he greeted, flopping onto the uniform grass next to an attractive Neverboy. Anastasia smiled tightly as Caleb grinned at her, signaling for her to sit beside him. Pretending she hadn't seen the gesture, Anastasisa sat by a lofty oak tree towering above them, opening the basket to find an appealing meal of smoked trout sandwiches, rampion salad, and strawberry souffle.

Caleb flashed a dashing smile at her and ran his fingers through carmel brown hair. Anastasia shot him a warning glare in response. She'd known Caleb since she was a little girl, and wasn't interested in the slightest. Caleb noticed her hostility and stared fixedly at his unopened basket, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Midway through her delicious salad, Anastasia felt a tap on her shoulder. She spun around to find a lanky boy no more than fourteen. He fixed his round glasses and puffed his curly dirty blonde hair, smiling as Anastasia lit up with shock.

"Merlin!" She rocketed up and threw her arms around him."I haven't seen you in ages!"

Merlin chuckled, hugging her tightly. "I know, it's been a long time!"

A moment later, an energetic pink rocket shot towards the pair, laughing hysterically as it crashed into them.
"Hi Clarrissa!" Anastasia said, squeezing her cousin tight.

"Anastasia!" She giggled, sapphire eyes sparkling as tossed her silky curtain of midnight hair straight into Merlin's eyes. "Merlin insisted we come and invite you to lunch, would you join us?"

"I don't think Filip will mind," Anastasia decided, glancing at her rowdy brother devouring his souffle. "I'm going to go dine with Clarissa and Merlin. Would you wish to accompany us?" Anastasia queried in a high, posh voice.

Filip laughed. "No your majesty, you may go without me."

"See you later," Anastasia grabbed her basket from the jade grass and began to walk with her cousins.

School for Good and Evil: The Successors Book One: Anastasia's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now