Chapter Twenty Two: Kiss In the Courtyard

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Chapter Twenty Two

Kiss in the Courtyard

Anastasia's mind was whirling. As if she were thrown into a deep black ocean and there was no escape. She put her hands to her head hoping to stop the thoughts she couldn't even comprehend.

"Stop!" She yelled in a whisper.

"Please stop!"

She stuck her head out the window and gasped for air.

It whipped her face in response but supplied her with enough to not pass out. She brought herself back inside the window and spotted the Circus Crow on it's sill. Taunting her.

"Do you really deserve me?"

It seemed to say.

"Of course I do!"

Anastasia felt like a madwoman. Talking to a crown, what had she come too? But she knew she was right. No one else truly deserved it but her. No one would ever be as powerful. Anastasia licked her lips and threw the crown into the black sludge. But she didn't need a crown to feel powerful. Underneath the tiara was a letter. It was wrapped in a black envelope, a red seal of swans holding it closed. She opened it with a groan.

"Anastasia of Woods Beyond," the letter read.

"We have been informed by your Mother and Father that today Febuary Fourteenth is your Fifteenth Birthday. You have received a gift from an unknown admirer. It has been taken to your dorm and placed at your stoop. We hope you have a happy day and to see you tonight at our grand No Ball. Thank you and have a wonderful morning.


The Faculty of the School for Evil."

Anastasia's eyes widened. In light of all the chaos she had completely forgotten her birthday. But then again when did she have time to remember a silly thing like that. She picked up her dagger from the mess of black sheets and placed the tip to her ring finger and stabbed it gently. Blood seeped from the cut spilling down her finger. She took her hand to the graying wall and wrote 'Happy Birthday' with the scarlet blood. Anastasia studied herself in her dagger. She was fifteen, but how? She traced her blooded hand on her face. She saw a difference in herself. The way her eyes were so full of malice and the way her lips curled into a smirk. It all happened so fast, she felt just yesterday she was just a foolish girl playing her Mothers game. But not anymore. Now she knew better. Anastasia heard ruffling coming from the bed beside her. Anastasia picked up her knife and placed it on the sheets.

"Move and I'll kill you," she sneered.

The blanket slid off the person's face revealing Caleb a sloppy smile on his lips.

"I don't think I'm the one you want to kill Anastasia," he said with a laugh.

"You scared me! Why didn't you tell me you slept here last night?" Anastasia probed.

"I couldn't, you were already sound asleep when I slipped into bed."

Anastasia nodded and placed her dagger at her window.

"I wouldn't do that Anastasia, it could go and sink into the sludge, then what would you do?" Caleb warned.

Anastasia snatched it and put it back beside her.

"Did you have art class this morning," Caleb taunted nodding to the wall.

Anastasia gritted her teeth.

"How about 'happy birthday Anastasia!' no you just go straight to the insults!"

 Caleb grabbed her face with his cold hand. Squishing her lips together.

School for Good and Evil: The Successors Book One: Anastasia's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now