𝐗𝐈𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞

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Jimin was leaning against the headboard of his bed gazing at the sun slowly starting to rise, creating an orange-reddish color exploring the room. Jimin enjoyed waking up early, the sky had always fascinated him. The colors, the textures, and the incoherence of the clouds scattered in the blue, coming in all different shapes and densities. The sky was Jimin's inspiration for relaxation. He tilted and reached for the red-covered book that he had previously place on the bedside table. He was truly intrigued. Since the last time, Jimin had been thinking about it. Maybe, if he tried to get to that place he would be able to gather more information. But at the same time, another idea bothered him, the boys. Should he tell them, or keep it to himself, it could be revealed to be helpful, but at the same time, it could be another burden to worry about, that will only distract them.

Lost in his thoughts, Jimin didn't notice Jungkook entering his bedroom. "hey, good morning, what are you reading ?" Jimin turned to face Jungkook at his door and quickly shoved the red book behind his pillow, "Oh, you can come in", he replied. jungkook stepped in and closed the door behind him, "can I?", "yes," jungkook sat in the red armchair placed next to Jimin's bed."So, what are you reading, I saw you hide that book." Jimin bite his lips, "Oh, um it's nothing important, it's just... um, a random book." "can I see it?" ask Jungkook. Jimin hesitated but handed the red covered book, hoping he wouldn't find it weird and ask questions.

"uh, where are the words? How are you supposed to read this- oh I found something." Jimin gasped and pulled the book out of Jungkook's hands. For some reasons, knowing something they didn't know made him feel a bit better, knowing that they might want to ask him and start a conversation, even though it was not proven to be of any help to their quest, he liked it that way. "uh, why won't you let me see?" Jungkook tiled his head and Jimin realized what he did, and became embarrassed when Jungkook gave him a more serious look as if he had betrayed him. Jimin felt bad, really bad. he took a deep breath, and opened the book back to where he had previously found the sentences. He could feel Jungkook intensely stare at him with a demanding and persistent look.

"Anyways, that book is weird. why would you keep that?" Jimin just shook his head."By the way, what did you want?" Jungkook sat leaned back, "oh, that's right I'm sorry for bothering you that early in eh morning, I-" That's fine" Jimin answered, "as you know I like to wake up early." "oh, well I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the gardens, though I could teach you about plants, I have little knowledge but maybe you would like to-." "sure, I never learned anything about plants, thanks."

The two boys headed downstairs talking making their way to the little botanical garden, Taehyung's mansion had. On their way, the two princes might have lost themselves a couple of times, but finally figured out the way. Jungkook pushed to two glass doors leading into the greenhouse. Plants, flowers, trees of all sorts were scattered across the room, their smell emanating, and setting a comfortable atmosphere. "So, where do you want to start?" Jungkook asked. Jimin raised his shoulders and pointed at a large tall tree he's never seen before. Jungkook looked up to the tree, "that's a Eucalyptus tree, I'm pretty impressed Taehuyng owns one, they are found in warmer areas in nature." The two boys walked towards the tall plant while Jungkook was still talking about the tree and its medicinal benefits.


Come here

"uh, Jungkook did you say something?" "Well yeah, I was saying that Eucalyptus trees were-" "no, did you call me?" "uh no why, weren't you paying attention?" "Yeah, my bad, can you start over your explanations." Jungkook gave Jimin a weird look, "if you're tired you can go back to sleep-" "no I'm fine, it's just that I heard something, calling me... I guess...I'm probably just hallucinating" "ok then, let's continue, let me know if you're feeling tired." Jimin gave him a small nod and they continued.


Not just two hours later, Jimin felt a pang in his chest, making him crouch and breath heavily and gaining Jungkook's attention. "Hey! Jimin! what happened, Jimin!" Jimin looked up with lifeless eyes, as if he had been possessed, " Hey Jimin are alright, say something." Jungkook shook Jimin a little bit "ca..ve" he whispered, "what? I can't hear you, let's go back to your room, you should have told me you were sick," Jimin grabbed Jungkook arm, "n-no... c-cave I-arhg... it's there.. h-he" "Who's he? Jimin, you're tired lemme carry you." Jimin let go of Jungkook's arm and started protesting. "No- n-no wait listen t-to me-" Jungkook picked up Jimin bridal style while the shorter boy started moving around. "Don't worry, you'll get a good rest and everything will be back to normal, now close your eyes and stop moving will you?" Jungkook gave him a wide smile and Jimin didn't protest this time, but he knew it wasn't right. It had to be something, this feeling wasn't new to him, while trying to connect the dots, if they were any, Jimin drifted to sleep well set in Jungkook's arms.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" the prince turned around to face a worried Taehyung, he placed his index on his lips indicating him to be silent. Taehyung walked closer to the two boys, "I'll tell you later." Taehyung nodded and followed the two boys to Jimin's room. Once the boy was set on his bed, Jungkook went to sit with Taehyung, who had crossed his arms and legs looking confused. "Don't look at me like that, I don't even know myself." "This is not the first time it happens, this is weird," "we were walking in the gardens and at one point I just saw him crouched and he didn't look good. I asked him what was happening and he just blabbered random words," "What did he say?" "I heard something like 'cave' and he was talking about someone or something." Taehyung tilted his head and sighed concern both not knowing what to say. "Let's just wait until he wakes up, we'll try to clear that up, but I doubt he even knows himself." Jungkook nodded.



Come here

It's right there

Jimin shook his head and squeezed his hands on the sheets, his brain was filled with multiple voices repeating the same thing, it made him nauseous. Jimin gasped and opened his eyes rapidly, sweating, and heavily breathing. His eyes traveled around the room, meeting with those of Taehyung and Jungkook who were about to speak. Jimin grabbed the blankets and threw them aside jumping out of his bed, this was the time. He could not just wait longer, he had to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he felt attracted, for him didn't know why either. It felt right to do so and so Jimin did, leaving the two other princes after him. Jimin ran towards his door and swung it open. "Jimin! Jimin! where are you going !! Come Back !You're sick." the two princes rose at the same time to run after Jimin.

The shorter boy had already made his way out in the corridors tripping over time too eager to prove his hypothesis. He got to the greenhouse in no time, having the two other boys on his tail. He sighed and pushed the doors making his way in, letting the warm air hit his already sweaty face. Jimin ran around, he was looking for something, he wasn't sure what it was but he knew he needs to know something, he was meant to know. At the back, Jungkook and Taehyung had already caught the boy and were yelling his name, "Jimin what are you doing, Jimin at least say something why did you just run, we need to talk." The two boys ran to Jimin, Jungkook putting a hand on his shoulder. Jimin turned back hastily heavily breathing. "Yes, Jimin at least say something, relax-" "cave, w-where... is it.." he said between two breaths. Taehyung tilted his head at Jimin's question, "Uh... Well, there is not cave in here Jimin you must be-" "There must be!" Jimin said almost terrified. He got away from the two boys' grip and continued looking around, "Jimin please, listen to us, please, just tell us what's on your mind, maybe we could help. maybe.. you got ideas mixed up." Jimin heard them well but he was sure, too sure, he was right, he couldn't be wrong. Someone was trying to communicate with him.


Hey there !!!

I Know it's been a while, a month, and I'm sorry, but school is literally giving me a headache!!!!

I decided to write short chapter today, just to provide y'all with glimpse of what is going to happen!

Hope you enjoyed!!!!


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈 |𝐕𝐌𝐊|HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now