My Bestfriend (Part Two)

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Pretend there's a picture of Shereen and Dakota up there. ^^

It was currently 8:00 and I had just finished making Dakota watch Titanic with me. As I leaned against the near by wall holding my bowl of Cocoa Puffs, I began to think. Dakota's voice interrupted my thoughts. "I know what you're thinking." "You mean how bomb this cereal is right now? Because then you'd be absolutely correct. It's bomb as fuck." I replied before a smile that had been playing on my lips broke and I started laughing uncontrollably. Dakota stared at me with a very disapproving look before he busted out laughing too. A thousand times harder than me in fact. After he regained his breath he said, "You know what I mean Sheen. It's been like a hundred years since you came out, you need to find a girlfriend." I sighed. How is this kid always right? "We've been over this," I said tiredly. "Meeting other girls is hard. I can't just go up to a girl and be like, 'Hey. You're cute, wanna date?' Because there's a very possible chance that she could be straight." "Well, why don't you try a dating website?" He countered. "A dating website?" I repeated his words while looking at him like he'd gone insane. "Yes." He assured me, walking to his computer and pulling up Google search. After typing in 'lesbian dating websites' in the box he clicked on the top one. Afterellen.

*A few days later*

After finding that dating site with Dakota the other day I signed up and stuff but I wasn't really having the greatest luck with it. I mean there were lots of girls that had messaged me I just wasn't feeling them. It's now 6:30 A.M. and I'm ready to walk out the door so to kill some time I went on time I went on the Afterellen app and checked my notifications. Surprisingly, there was one message that caught my eye. It was from a girl named Styler Ortiz (skizzisaboss10). I looked at her profile picture before even checked the message. Damn, she was gorgeous as hell. She was light skin with pretty brown eyes and curly hair to match.

I checked the message:

Hey cutie. Wanna text?

I checked the time on my phone-7:10- and replied:

Hi gorgeous. Sure, 6147982345.


Yes, Skyler will be included in this story. Don't hate me. I personally think it'll make the story more interesting. If you have a problem with it you can just stop reading. Anyway,


Comment/leave feedback. It'd be greatly appreciated.

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Oh and go check out my other story The Lesbian Diaries and leave feedback. (;

i appreciate you guys more than you'll ever know,

Massiah 😌❤️

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