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You know how difficult it is to act like a dumbass all the time when you're really a one-in-a-million prodigy??? No, you probably don't because you're just as dumb as you act.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry. It's been a frustrating four years at the academy. Seriously, there's never not a problem with those people. As if it wasn't enough that I'm ostracized, I'm also subject to bullying from literal ADULTS. Now, that'd be fine under normal circumstances; I've got thick skin, but they couldn't even bother to be the least bit logical! They'd get me in trouble for even the slightest things. I'd get called into the office because I "offended" a kid that was about to graduate!! We weren't even in the same hallway!

And it's not like I used my normal personality for school. No; that'd be ridiculous. I used a transformation jutsu to appear more like an eight-year-old (since they don't usually have scars and abs). I even changed my voice to sound more raspy and young, and let me tell you; my vocal cords are s t r a i n e d.

Now I'm dashing across rooftops because of the latest prank I pulled. It was ✨️glorious✨️by the way. I painted all over the Hokage faces. My dad got the works. Goatee, monocle, mustache, everything. It's kind of funny how I'm bottom of my class, yet I can outrun Chunin like it's nothing. How does no one find that suspicious? Whatever; it's better for me if they're stupid. Speaking of stupid...


"H-hey Iruka sensei!"
"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto. The genin exams are coming up and all you're doing is fooling around. It's unacceptable."

I respond with a small "hmph" and turn my head away from him like a child.I have to resist the urge to smirk as Iruka grits his teeth.

"All right, since Naruto wants to be difficult. Let's all review the transformation jutsu."

And in comes the unison groan. I swear, they could start a choir with those vocals. What's so bad about the transformation jutsu anyway? It's just making yourself look like someone else. It's easy. I mean, it's nothing compared to the training Kakashi made me do. You ever ran around the village until your legs gave out? I did; I ran 20 laps and I still feel the burning sometimes in the dead hours of the night. I'm gonna kick that pervert's ass one day.
By the time I'm done ranting to no one, it's my turn.

"Alright, Naruto. Show me what you got."

I let a small smile creep up my lips as I did the hand signs. Iruka sensei's nose bled so hard that he flew back and hit the wall. I fell out in a fit of laughter.

"NARUTO! Take this seriously!! You have exams soon and this behavior will not fly!" He yells. I shrugged and turned back into my other transformation.

"I did the jutsu though. You never said we had to turn into anyone specific, so this is really your fault."

Iruka sighed and shook his head. "Just... go sit down."
"The genin exams are coming up in a week. I want you all to train hard, but don't overexert yourselves. Get proper sleep, and, Naruto, get your act together. This is serious; if you want to be Hokage you'll take that to heart."

The week of the genin exams.
I practically jump out of the bed, psyched and ready to slay the day. I can finally be the "dashingly handsome young man" again. Those were Anko's words not mine. I visited the interrogation unit with the old man a few times, and I've got to say, she reminds me of Orochimaru.

I examined my childish face in the mirror for the last time. And obviously, I've got to go out with swagger, so I spin around and make finger guns at the mirror.

"Hey, sexy," I say as my hair falls down my back. I take one of the finger guns to my chin and bite my lip. I'm atleast a head taller than my transformation. My eyes look more feral too, with hints of red in them and thinner pupils. My whiskers are more pronounced too, but still look like they were drawn badly with pencil as they're not solid black. No more baby cheeks, no more nails-on-a-chalkboard voice, and no more orange jumpsuit. That's the real kicker, I would say. That bright orange "kill me now" jumpsuit is not attractive. It made me look like a traffic cone!

A Thrilling Tale; The Genius In DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now