Finally! A C-Rank

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Team seven was working surprisingly well together. They did well on missions and kept each other in check. Kakashi was actually quite proud of their progress, but in that moment, he wished he could disappear into the void.

Naruto would just not shut up and doing a C-rank mission. He was bitching and moaning much louder than usual and it was not fun for anyone. Of course, team seven was more than ready for it, but they were genin. Genin didn't get C-ranks.

"Naruto, you have to realize that this is not a matter you can take lightly. C-ranks are wildly different from the missions you've been doing."

"He wouldn't kick up such a fuss is we didn't already know," Sakura muttered.

"This is why I don't talk to adults," Sasuke added.

"You're arguing a mute point, old man. We are more than capable of handling a C-rank. Hell, we have a jonin on our team. You think a bunch of useless scrubs would stand a chance???" Naruto protested loudly.

"Naruto," Iruka cut in, "You can't just act rashly like this. You have to work your way up to C-ranks. This brazen attitude of your isn't going to cut it."

Kakashi tried to hold in a laugh as all of team 7 shot the Chunin an 'are you stupid?!?' look.

"I think they are more than ready for a C-rank. Besides, it's not like they're going alone." He shrugged. Iruka's face twitched as if he wanted to say something, but the Hokage got a word in first.

"Alright then. I'll give you guys something simple to start with," he said, handing one of the other Chunin a mission request. He quickly went to another room and brought out a middle-aged-looking man with a beer gut and hair that desperately needed a trim.

"That is... offensive." Naruto covered his nose, trying not to inhale the pungent alcohol scent.

The client looked at the genin and squinted. He looked at the Hokage, then back at the genin.

"I thought I said I wanted ninja escorts, not a band of snot-nosed brats with less brains than hair on their heads!" He grimaced.

Naruto sucked has teeth and made a 'mccht' sound as he rocked on his feet.

"We don't have to return him in one piece, do we?"

"I don't think he'd miss a few fingers." Sakura drummed her thumbs together.

"True, but I say we start with the tongue." Sasuke suggested.

"Agreed." The other two harmonized.

The client backed slowly away from the teenagers, eyes wide before he straightened up a little and cleared his throat. "Whatever. My name is Tazuna, and I am the bridge builder. I expect you to protect me with your lives!"

The genin nodded. "So we move tomorrow at dawn!" Naruto nodded before disappearing with his teammates. 

Kakashi stayed back for a moment and looked Tazuna up and down. "I wouldn't insult my team like that. If you do, I cannot guarantee your safety."

"Anyone else get weird vibes from that Tazuna guy?" Sakura asked. "I mean, he's not creepy or anything, but his attitude is weird."

It was about 1 a.m.-ish in the morning and team seven was sitting in Naruto's house making sure they had all their stuff ready.

"I agree. You wouldn't think someone requesting a C-rank would ask us to protect them with our lives." Naruto pointed out.

"Maybe it's just the ramblings of a drunk." Sasuke shrugged. The other two sort of agreed, but they all silently made a mental note to stay alert at all times.
"Well, what are you idiots standing there for??? Let's get moving; we don't have all day."

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