The beginning

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The man woke up to a loud banging noise outside his door. The door almost shook in its hinges and he stood up from the couch to check on the commotion outside. He had barely slept and the person on the other side was already testing the limits of his temper.

He was still the second successor to the family and needs to look decent. He fixed his hair and checked the clock and it read 4:19 am. Peeking outside the window he could see that there was a mild downpour and it was still dark. He quickly grew worried that there was some trouble with his brother and hurried to open the door.

Here he was.

Devil spawn.

He stood there in his all-black clothes with tousled hair and darkened eyes. He had eye bags that made his eyes look impossibly dark and menacing. The clenching his jaw was visible... and there was an unreadable expression beneath those pools of black gold.

"Wei Ying..."

"What did you mean?!"


"When you said we're different. What did you mean?"

He pointed a lean finger at Lan Wangji's chest with storm clouds gathering over his eyebrows.

"Wei Ying... calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!! You said all that crap and confused my head. I couldn't sleep all night. Do you even know how I felt?!"

'Oh, the irony.'

He was no less hurt but he decided that a calm conversation was better than throwing around words.

"Tell me."


"Tell me how you felt."

"Well... I... I felt confused. And irritated! What happened to let's stay friends?! I thought we were working towards that? And what did you mean by we're different? How did you even expect this conversation to go? What do you mean you have feelings for me?"

"One question at a time. Sit."

He plopped onto the couch unceremoniously and rubbed his creased forehead with his hand.


"Stop rushing me!"


"Since when... have you felt this way about me?"

"Since I gave you my book."

"What the.... That long?"


"Okay... You insisted on being friends because?"

"I didn't"

"What do you mean you didn't"

"I agreed. I did not insist."

"Ah... Fine Fine. That's on me. Why... Why tell me only last night?"

"I don't know Wei Ying..."

Wei Ying nodded at that.

"What did you mean by 'we're different'?"

"We're of different worlds. We grew up differently. Everything we like and dislike is different."

"I see... If the differences mattered so much... why would you confess in the first place?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me!"

"No. They don't."

"Um... okay... Now I'm confused."

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