The bulletin

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The two lips separated reluctantly and Wei Ying took out the phone from his pocket to see that his alarm had gone off. Lan Wangji was still busy sprinkling his neck with small kisses and Wei Ying was having a hard time remembering what the alarm was for.


The busy man lifted his head to lock eyes with Wei Ying. "Hmm?"

"I have to go... I have classes today and my laptop is at my apartment. I have to go pick it up. Ugh!! I was hoping to get you naked... my bad."

Lan Wangji had to roll his eyes at that quip. He released the warm body from his arms and stepped aside. While Wei Ying was smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt, the other man took a minute to ponder over the roller coaster of emotions that he had gone through in the past 48 hours. It was almost surreal.

He had thought that he would lose this perfect man forever. He had been entirely unprepared for the turn of events that took place. He wanted to pinch himself just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

"Wei Ying... Are you sure?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I really have to go to work. The exams are nearby and I have a few things to go over with the students.... Sorry!"

He stepped closer to Lan Wangji and cupped his face in his palms. He slightly bent his head and dropped a small kiss on the other man's jaw. He dragged his hands away from the jaw to the solid chest and finally rested them on his waist.

"No, Wei Ying... About us."

"Oh. Why? Have you changed your mind?"


He nudged a single elegant hand away from his waist and kissed it with all the tenderness in the world.

Wei Ying would deny it if anyone ever asked him... But his heart skipped a beat at that moment. He grasped onto the hand holding his and smiled.

"I'm not entirely sure how we are going to do this... I haven't figured out the mathematics of this... But I do know that I want this as much as you do. Just help me. I cannot remember the last time I was in a relationship. Unless you count one night stands?"

"Wei Ying..."


"I never want to talk about your one night stands. Ever."

He blinked. Once. Twice.

Then threw his head back and laughed, "Hahaha!! Got it. Anyway, I have to go home to get my teaching materials ready."

"Let me drop you. It's still early."

Wei Ying smiled and nodded at that accepting the offer.

They stepped out of the mansion at the wee hours of the morning with hands tightly intertwined. None of the guests was awake which made the newly formed couple a lot braver in holding hands in public.

Little did they notice the figure at the window watching at their every move until they drove away.

The figure turned away and sat down. He dialled a number and waited.

*Good morning sir. Has something happened?*

*No. I need background information about someone. His name is Wei Ying and he is associated with the Yunmeng Jiang Clan. Find everything you can and send it to me. Keep it confidential.*

*Understood. Anything else I can do for you?*



**Chairman of the board and the current Director of a prominent multinational security firm speculated to have passed away in an aeroplane crash. An investigation is underway as it is believed to be an act of crime.**

He threw the touchpad across the room only for it to fall into the glass coffee table and shatter it in the process as well.

'Great! Now he's got a f**king mess to deal with.'

The headlines were splattered all across the newspapers, blogs and social media portals. He had stupidly assumed that the entire clan would've kept it under the wraps, instead, that f**ker gave the media complete rights to write whatever they wished.

Everyone knew that the younger brother was the stupid one but no one thought he would be this stupid. He had let the company take a big fall by taking part in a controversy. This would be causing the stocks to fall in the market and he seemed to give no rats ass about this.

"Stupid Ba***rd!! He is ruining everything!"




He was completely taken aback at that response. In his entire time being the secretary to his boss... Not once had he ever seen his boss curse or use foul language. 5 years of serving Lan Xichen and this was the first time he had ever lost his composure.

He was at a loss for words as he had never been in this situation before. Hence, he stayed quiet.

"Henry! Please come in."

The younger man tentatively stepped inside his sprawling office. The man was 25 years old and has been working for Lan Xichen for almost all his adult life. His father used to be employed as a driver to Lan Qiren and had said nothing but nice things about the first master Lan. Since the first day five years ago and till now, not once was he ever disrespected or treated badly.

He considered himself very lucky as he had heard horror stories from all his friends. He had seen his friends get drunk out of their minds and curse their bosses. He had thanked whatever gods had led him to Lan Xichen.

"Is this a bad time sir?"

"What? Of course not! Tell me what is the matter?"

"Your presence in this year's economic forum is requested, sir. Should I be confirming your presence as usual?"

Lan Xichen seemed to take a minute to think over this and responded, "Stall them. I have some things to take care of... How about you tell them that I will get back to them eventually?"

"Yes sir, I can do that."

"Good. Thank you, Henry. And I apologise about earlier... I was frustrated."

"Sir... If I may take the liberty to say something?"

"Of course. You are always free to speak your mind, Henry."

"Might I suggest that you take a few days off sir? I understand... I understand that the loss of Mr.Minghue had been a big shock to a lot of us, mostly you sir. You were good friends. Maybe taking a break to calm your mind might be a good idea?..."

"Hm... Unfortunately, I cannot. Work has pilled up and I cannot afford that kind of a luxury right now. And I want you to know that you will be taking up a lot more responsibilities soon as well. We all must pull our weights."

"I understand sir. I apologise if I have overstepped."

"Oh no! It's all good. Anything else?"

"No sir."

"You can leave then. Thank you, Henry."

"Of course sir."

The door gently closed to a click and Lan Xichen dropped into the couch as all the strength in his body left him. He looked at the clouds splattered across the dark sky and the stars that peaked out from behind them. He picked on his nails trying to calm his nerves and finally looked at the table.

He picked up the envelope on his table with trembling fingers.

Crash investigation report. Case number: A258K0

------------------------To be continued.......................

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