Chapter 2

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Im sitting in my least favorite teachers' classroom waiting on class to start and thinking about that boy that watches Brooksy.

Why was he watching me now? Hes never done it before. When i met his eyes, he smiled at me. His blue eyes flashed a weird color, or it could have just been the lighting from the outside lights. I couldnt tell.

He didnt try talking to me, or even move from his position...he just stood there, staring after me as i walked here.

Im snapped from my thoughts as Mrs. Wittaker walks into the room, her four-inch heels making a sharp click everytime she takes a step. I roll my eyes at her rediculous outfit. She reminds me of Lady Gaga.

Shes wearing a pink and white kimono top, a bright blue tu-tu, some purple leggings, and her four-inch Go-Go boots. Her hair is up in a GINORMOUS beehive, right smack in the middle of her head.

Im not kidding, she always dresses this way, and it drives us color coordinated people ccrrraaaazzzyyyyy!!


She starts talking mathmatical stuff, and i automatically tune her out, staring at her little goldfishs' tank.

I feel a tug, an itch if you will, forming in my head, as i concentrate on the water surrounding the fish. Ive never tried using my powers anywhere, so i dont know what all i can do. all i know is that i know i have powers, and that i can use them at will if i practice.

Now may be the only chance i can get...during class...where no one pays attention to me.

I concentrate on the water, blocking everything out from my head, clearing it like i was told to when my parents still lived.

Nothing happens to the water. no bubbles appear, no waves or ripples take place. the tank doesnt explode and spew out water like i wanted it to.

todays' gonna be painfully long. i lean onto my fist and stare blankly at the board. Maybe my parents were wrong. Maybe im not a witch at all.

Or maybe my powers havent shown up yet.


I walk out onto campus, and pass Brooksy and her friend Liltha on their way to Mrs. Wittakers' room. Brooksy refuses to see that the black haired boy is, once again watching her. I glare at Liltha as they pass, then switch that glare to those clear blue eyes of the black haired boy.

Once Brooksy is in the building, he returns my glare, his blue eyes flashing an odd color again. He gives me a playful, almost mocking wave, and walks into a building behind him. I continue walking to my dorm. i have a free block right now, so i open the dorm buildings' doors, and climb the stairs.


I take out my keycard, and swipe it in the reader. my door pops open, and i enter the dorm.

I walk to the side of my bed, pull out my angel drawing, and tac it to my bedside wall, where all of my drawings are. Only Brooksy has ever seen them, no one else.

I turn the alarm back on, crawl into my bed, and instantly start to fall asleep.


I dream of darkness, of blue eyes, and pale faces.

And oddly enough, fangs.

theres so much so much...and the blue eyes turn a mixture of purple and red, with fleks of yellow and white.

the pale face finally takes shape.

its the raven haired boy from the other school.

He has a auburn haired, brown eyed girl in his arms.

He tightens his grip on her waist, and growls gutterally: "Minneee."

I watch as he lowers his head to her outstretched neck, and his eyes look up to meet mine as they flash a bright yellow.

His mouth opens and he bites ferociously down on the girls neck.

At first she makes soft moans, as she grabs his hair, but then they turn to loud pleas to stop.

He continues, growling into her neck and tightening his hold on her as she starts to wriggle in his grip.

She goes limp in his arms, and he pricks his own neck, lifting her head towards his self-inflicted wound. Her mouth latches onto it and she takes in gulps of his blood.

When hes sure shes had enough, he pushes her to the ground, and glares at me.

His eyes are deep maroon with purple white and yellow fleks around his irises.

His look is almost mesmerizing, but the girls scream breaks my entrancement.

Her scream is odd.

almost as if its an alarm...buzzing to wake me up...

i jolt upright, and smash my hand on the snooze button, causing the alarm clock to fall off of the nightstand, and clatter against the ground.

What kind of nightmare WAS that??

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