Camping Trip Part 2 ~the fight~

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ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ ᴵˢ ᴰᴱᴰᴵᶜᴬᵀᴱᴰ ᵀᴼ _LittleMissSarcastic. Thank you for telling me to write more😊
~Lexi's POV~
The next morning I woke up and it was raining outside. Of course, it's the rainy season. Tiff and Angel were still asleep so I quietly walked to the shower and got in. After my shower I changed into a blue high waisted skirt and a white crop top. I put my white converse on and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I walked out of the cabin and went to the kitchen. Soda was the only one there

"Morning Sodie" I said
"Morning Lexi" he said with sadness in his voice
"Soda what's wrong" I asked as I put a hand on his shoulder
"It's Angel, I'm so confused"
"Why are you confused" I asked as I bit into an apple
"Did you not see what happened yesterday" he asked
"Oh you mean that, yeah I saw it and I was taken back myself to"
"Well I don't know what to do. First she flirts with me and then she flirts with Dallas" he says
"Soda I'm not suppose to tell anyone this but Angel just got out of a relationship with a really bad guy" I explained
"What do you mean by bad" he said
"When I mean bad I mean he r-rap-raped her" I said as my voice cracked. He looked at me shocked
"Lexi I-" I stopped him when I heard the door open and Angel walked in.

She was wearing a white top and a red skirt. Her hair was down and curled at the ends and she wore white slip ons

"Hey guys" she said as she made her way into the kitchen
"Hey Angel" I looked at Soda "I'll leave you two alone, to talk" I said as I walked out of the kitchen and into Pony's cabin.

He was the only one still sleep, so I decided to mess with him. I straddled his waist and ran my hands on his chest. He smiled and his hands went on my thighs. I couldn't take it anymore I was getting exited and so was he.

I smashed my lips into his and he kissed back. His tongue went in my mouth and fought with mine. We weren't gonna have sex right here right now, just making out. He flipped us over and sucked my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked really hard. I bit my lip trying to hold back a moan but I couldn't

"Oh Ponyboy" I moaned
"There Ya go" he said as he continued to bite and suck my neck. Finally he let go and I had a gigantic hickey on the side of my neck

"Pony, Johnny's gonna kill you if he see's this" I said pointing to my neck
"What are we gonna do" he asked worried. I was worried to, Johnny can turn into a huge badass sometimes
"Ooo I could put makeup on it" I said. He nodded and we ran back to my cabin. I put the makeup on and you couldn't see it anymore. I turned to Pony and smiled.

Later in the day we all played extreme hide & seek. I hid underneath Pony's bed in his cabin. I heard the door burst open and footsteps. Pony has found everyone except for me. I lifted myself up is I was holding on underneath the bed.

"Lexi I know your here" I heard Pony say. I started smiling "Fine, I guess she's not in here" I heard him say. I heard footsteps go to the door, open it, then close.

I dropped from the bed to check if he was still there. He wasn't so I slid out from under the bed. I sighed in relief. I saw a note on the table. It read

Come meet me by the lake at 8:30pm, for a evening under the stars. Wear something casual.
Ponyboy Curtis :)

I finished reading the nice and my heart fluttered. 1:he knew I was in here and 2: he loves me. It was 6:45 right now so I decided to go get ready. I went to my cabin and took a nice shower. I stepped out and put on my bra and panties. Then I put on skinny black jeans, a light blue sweater crop top, and combat boots. I left my hair down and put mascara and Chapstick on. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

I left the cabin and 8:15 and walked down to the lake. I saw Pony sitting down next to a table

"What's all this" I asked
"A special night under the stars for a special girlll" he slurred. Wait is he drunk, I thought. Maybe I was just imagining things. After dinner he took me to another cabin. He opened the door and let me in, but slammed and locked it shortly after.

"Pony, what are you doing" I asked turning around quickly. He came close to my face and I smelt the alcohol on his breath
"Just wanna have a fun night with my babyyyyy" he slurred while grabbing my ass. I slapped his hand away and saw anger in his eyes. "DONT YOU EVER SLAP MY HAND AWAY, YOU SLUT" he yelled. I was so scared right now
"Pony this isn't you, yo-your drunk" I said quietly
"What do you mean your done" I asked with tears streaming down my face
"I MEAN, IM DONE WITH US, WERE OVER, NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE" He said. I didn't move. He got  angry and punched me in the face. I fell on the ground holding my cheek. I looked up at him and saw his eyes turn soft
"Lexi I-"
"Save it Pony you said what you had to say. I guess were over. Don't ever talk to me again" I said as I ran out of the cabin. I ran to Johnny's cabin and saw he was asleep and the only one in there. I climbed in his bed with him and sobbed. He woke up saw me

"Lexi, baby what's wrong" he asked
"Po-Pon-Pony" I managed to get out. I hugged Johnny tighter and cried myself to sleep. In about an hour I fell asleep in the arms of my brother, thinking about what happened. I just lost my Ponyboy😭

So guys here's an update, sorry it took so long. So what do you guys think about thus chapter. Leave comments below and bore please. BTW there will be a new character in the next chapter. Until next time guys. Stay Gold🌅


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