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It was seven thirty in the morning when we finally stepped out of Perrie's house and commenced the journey towards my hotel. We were completely quiet this time, even the ocean waves did not talk; like as if we were living in a world where sound does not exist. At least that's what it felt like between me and her.

On my right, there were a bunch of teenagers and a kid swimming by the beach; incidentally, I was surprised to see a duck passing by me for a second. Perrie chuckled beside me and solely told me that it's normal. And I find that odd simply because I have never seen a duck on the beach before and I have been on virtually every beach. On the left sat occupied restaurants that I haven't had the chance to eat in. I mentally took a note to visit one of them before I leave. There were also children cavorting about the said restaurants.

Perrie cleared her throat, snapping me out my observation and breaking what felt like interminable silence since we left her house. I faced her expectantly, and could almost find myself losing my breath the moment her ocean blue eyes peered into my chocolate brown ones.

"I have a question, Jade Thirlwall," she questioned. She paused and took a moment to slip her hand in mine. "How did we meet?"

"Well," I started, "We met at the restaurant you work at."


I nodded in affirmation, then continued, "You went to me first because apparently a guy found me cute and told you to bring me a cola."

Perrie hummed in response and squeezed my hand before gesturing for me to continue.

So I barreled on, "And then I asked you if the guy asked for my number, then you said no ..."

And before I could stop myself, I was telling her every little detail of every little thing.

I told her the second time we met, the one where she - - or her sister, since she was persistent that it wasn't her - - hit my face with a volleyball. Then I told her the third time we met, when my bag was missing and how I had to swallow my pride to ask her for help, up till I basically slept in her arms for I was probably too exhausted because of the panic attack.

Perrie looked like she had finally put the pieces together, and it astonished me how wide and bright her smile is when that happened.

"And ... now we're here," I finished.

Her smile didn't fade away. "Thanks for the story."

I find myself mirroring her smile. "No problem. And before you forget, we're going to the ho-"

"Hotel near where Caitlyn and I played volleyball." Perrie flashed me a wink. "You think I forgot about that?"

"Whatever. That's why I said before you forget." I looked away, silently praying that my profusely blushing cheeks are not too apparent.

There was a moment of silence between the two of us, until Perrie broke it by saying, "Alright, Jade Thirlwall."

I groaned, "Will you please stop saying my full name?" I faced her, making sure my stern tone is evident when I say, "Just Jade is fine by me. Okay? Just Jade."

"Just Jade?" she asks.

"Just Jade," I confirmed. "Literally just Jade."

"Alright," she said, then, as if she wanted to rattle my cage, added, "Okay, Just Jade."

I narrowed my eyes. "Seriously?"

She shrugged. "Well, you said Just Jade. So that's what I said—"

"I mean just call me Jade." I huffed in frustration. Early in the morning and Perrie just had to irritate me. She may be cute and all but I'm not falling for that...

What was I saying, really?

Perrie rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, clearly staving off a laugh, before clearing her throat and looking at me earnestly. "I'm sorry. But even though I'll remember Jade Thirlwall as a celebrity because of my sister, I'm gonna forget about Jade Thirlwall being an acquaintance of mine anyway so might as well say your full name as much as I can."

I was rendered speechless when she said that; watched as she looked back at the front and continued sauntering ahead, unbeknownst to the fact that for some reason, I felt hurt by what she said. I didn't even know I stopped walking until I heard her call out my name and felt her pull me by my hand.

It suddenly occurred to me that perhaps this would be the last time I'll get to see Perrie. And I felt a bit down in the dumps because of that. I hadn't realized how lonely I was in this place until I met her. And I came to the conclusion that I needed a friend in here lest I become depressed, dealing with my predicaments by myself.

But the only impediment here is Perrie's indifference. Because she was nonchalant about not having to meet me ever again simply because she'll never remember me anymore.

So when we stopped in front of the familiar building where I will reside in for two months, I turned to face the blonde woman beside me, who looked at me expectantly.

I came to the conclusion that, yes, I need to figure myself out, but I also need someone beside me to help me.

And that thought sticked to my mind when I say, "Let's hang out some time."

Perrie just stared at me. For a moment, I felt suddenly abashed for being too straightforward and was about to take it all back, but the edges of her lips curled up in a soft smile and she nodded.

"Sure. But you have to be the first one to reach out because I might forget to."

I felt a splash of relief when she said that and beamed. "Alright. Give me your number then."

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