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"No matter what happens, get the hell out of there, you hear me?"

I had my cellphone clutched between my hand and my ear as I hear what Mom was saying, but never really listening. It was like her voice is muffled, but it really wasn't.

"Sweetie, did you hear me?" Her voice was urgent and demanded attention.

"Yeah, I hear you," I spoke up hurriedly as Dani lead me to the emergency exit, looking at the ground because the flashes of the cameras were becoming too much right now.

Danielle's in front of me, walking briskly with my hand in hers as we maneuver our way outside the restaurant. She was muttering to herself, but the one phrase I kept on hearing her say was 'we were doing alright'.

"Good. Is Dani with you right now?"

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. At this point, she's literally dragging me and it was all I could do not to stumble on the concrete floor.

When we hit the ground floor for our parking lot, the paparazzi's have already given up. I guess it's because they've already taken so many pictures of the both of us now. But a part of me still has this gut feeling it's because they have called for some reinforcements and have already back-ups hiding among these cars.

"Where are you guys right now?" I almost forgot Mom was on the phone.

"We're here at the pa —"

"Shit, where's your car, Jade?" Dani looked over her shoulder and shot me an urgent look.

I quickly scanned the whole floor and was about to burst into tears at the frustration of not finding my own goddamn car when I see a hint of metallic red at the corner.

I tugged at Dani's hand and propelled us toward the Range Rover. Dani didn't hesitate to open the passenger's door and practically shouted at me to get inside. And as soon as she settled into driver's seat, she drove us off outside the building.

"We're on our way home," I informed Mom who blew out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Good, good . . . ," she said. "No paps in the parking lot?"

I asked Dani, "Have you seen any paps in the parking lot?"

"No, but I bet there is," she answered firmly with a roll of her eyes. I saw her knuckles almost whitening as she gripped harder on the steering wheel.

I perused her facial features, wondering why she's still all tense now that we've successfully escaped. Then I replied back to Mom, "There might be."

"If there are, I'm glad they chose not to bombard you guys. It would take a lot of convincing, but as someone who has connections in the media industry, I'll make sure they'll forget they saw you and Dani, okay? Tell Dani that."

"Okay . . ."

Mom hung up the phone and I looked over once more at Dani, wishing I could get inside her head because her frown has grown even deeper.


"Hmm?" She's clearly distracted and my chest felt too heavy that it took a lot to speak.

"Mom says she'll fix this."

"That's good, I guess," she grunted, already having us out on the main street.

"I . . . I had fun today," I whispered, scared to have this tense moment ruined.

A scoff escaped from her lips and she sent a quick dirty look my way. "You call being caught by the paps 'fun'? They ruined our day, Jade — that's not fun."

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