Author's Note

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I was just 18 y/o when I wrote this very short story for a writing contest. That was five years ago. It won a place on the round that I could no longer remember. LOL. Anyway, I am really a great fan of short stories ever since I was young. The Giving Tree, The Wind and The Sun, and many more amazing short reads were still stucked in my head up until now, and I can really say that they helped me a lot in coping up with my growing years which was really a confusing and a painful stage for me.

And, as form of paying back, I decided to write my own short version of all those quick reads which is this one 'The Happy Heart and the Needle Inside Her'.

The premise for this story is just very simple; love always comes with pain. No matter how hard we try, we can't really avoid getting hurt when we fall in love someone. Yet, it shouldn't stop us from falling in love all over and over again. Because just like what I said,  love only comes along with pain. But love isn't the pain itself. Another thing, there's no such love that is unrequited. Love, even though unreturned, will always find its way back to us when we throw it in the outer space. And it'll either come back to us in a form of a deeper understanding, a lesson newly learned or anything that could make us a better person when we're going to fall in love again.

So, just like the Happy Heart, even though she was ghosted by the Lonely Heart, I deeply hope that past and failed relationships (if you experienced one) won't scare the shit out of you to try and try to fall in love again until you'll find your own version of Stranger Heart who will love you as hardcore as hell.

That's it. Thank you for reading this story! I hope you liked it. Support my other works too! Mwah!


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