Kellin's POV
Tony says "hows your mom treating you, Kenz?" Mackenzie says "shes ignoring me now, which I'd rather her do but now she does stuff to get on my nerves then when I bring it up she just walks out of the fucking room! It pisses me off!" Tony says "you can go see my mom whenever you want, babygirl." Mackenzie lights up saying "shes so nice to me, I love her so much. I really should spend more time with her. Your mom is really nice to me too, Kellin. Shes awesome." Vic mumbles "that poor kid and Tony can't do anything about it." I nod and Justin says "I'll beat this chick up, does she go to our school or something?" Mike says "can I join you?" Tony says "shes not in school, she hasn't been for like 20 years and shes still fucking dumb. I'm probably brighter than her and I did drugs and drank all of high school and almost graduated early" rolling his eyes. Tony quietly says "ok, can we talk about something else, my PTSD from her is kicking in and I don't need flashbacks" sitting closer to Mike. Harper says "Lex, whats the cats name?" Alex says "Angel" holding the cat to his chest. I say "awww, cute. Damnit, the gay is showing again." Harper says "its always showing." I shrug saying "mhmm, you aren't wrong. Have you girls been hanging out?" Mackenzie says "yeah, we have." Harper says "we've been messing with these guys and eating a lot of donuts." They giggle and I say "nice." Josh comes back and Mike says "aye, pretty boy is back." Josh rolls his eyes saying "we aren't cheating on our men, Mike. Get over your fantasies, love" sitting in Oli's lap. Mackenzie says "dad." Tony says "hmm?" Mackenzie says "I'm not living with her anymore, I can't." Tony says "where are you going then?" She says "do you think grandma would mind?" Tony says "just explain it to her and I'm sure she'll be fine with it, Kenz." Josh says "I've been meaning to ask how you guys parent being in here? It has to be challenging." Tony says "you just have to try as hard as you can being in here. Even then you never know if the message is going to travel to the next person or not." Oli says "its so weird cause shes in here for something that they don't even know what it is. They haven't even followed up with me yet, anyways yeah, I'm working on how to do it still. Then again, they didn't tell me I had a kid till like 2 years ago either." Tony says "I knew for a long time but I distanced myself because 1, that woman I couldn't be near here or I'd have a full on breakdown and 2, I knew I'd hurt her if I was near her at the time and I didn't want to be that person and I still didn't do anything about it." Oli says "it just makes you think of how we could've done something sooner than we did." Justin says "you guys are the sexiest parents I've ever met, gotta say." Oli says "what can I say? 12 year old me has game" shrugging. We all chuckle and Tony says "I'm Mexican, it runs in the family." Mike says "me too but it skipped a person" nodding in Vics direction. Vic says "I think it just completely missed you so we almost got rid of you. Let a cannibal have you." Mike says "now thats a way to go out, I'd be down." We all laugh and Alex says "Hime, did someone give you coffee yesterday? You're awfully quiet today." Jaime says "yeah, I did. Vic gave me coffee." I say "Vic! You can't give him coffee." Vic says "he stole it from me." I say "Jaime?" He says "fine, I did." We chuckle and Vic says "see!" I poke his forehead saying "shut up. Oh! Hey, Alex?" he says "what?" I say "uhh, we have a band and we were wondering if you wanted to sing a couple parts in the song with us at a school function? Its not till next year, we just want to know if you would like to do it or not?" Alex says "how many people?" I say "about 600 to 800." Alex says "yeah, sure. I'll do it." Vic mumbles "told you" poking my side. I roll my eyes and Jack B says "why don't you go to bed, babe. You keep spacing out, I can tell." Alex says "come cuddle me then." Rian says "were gonna go so you can sleep, k?" Alex says "ok, come back in a few hours, maybe we can have a foursome or something." We all laugh and Zack says "we'll be back later, cya dude" rolling his eyes. They leave and Alex and Jack leave the room. Mike says "10 bucks?" I say "fuck off" laughing. Tony says "you're not taking my money." Harper says "whats the 10 bucks for?" Mike says "that they're fucking" laughing. Harper says "mmm, no" chuckling. Josh says "is no one going to talk about Alex saying they're gonna have a foursome?" We all laugh and I say "we can" laughing. I say "just kidding, that would be a weird conversation." Justin says "never had one before." I chuckle saying "we know its the next thing on the list." Josh says "whats on this list?" My guys laugh and Jack says "its all sex shit like having a blow job in the women's bathroom in an airport, really dumb shit." We laugh and Josh says "its not the most enjoyable thing in the world." Mike says "no its not. Why did we do that?" Josh says "cause you're a bloody fucking idiot, thats why" rolling his eyes. I say "20 bucks it was each other." Mike says "I don't have money on me." Josh blushes, saying "have a penny" throwing it at me. We laugh and Vic says "we should find something to do."

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