Part 10

45 2 13

Which name do you like the best will decide your prefix:

Snowflower: Snow
Petalnose: Petal
Willowtail: Willow
Sliverheart: Sliver
Firefeather: Fire
Goldenfur: Golden
Leafshine: Leaf
Windstorm: Wind
Rainfall: Rain
Thunderclaw: Thunder
Riverpelt: River
Skysong: Sky
Shadowbreeze: Shadow
I don't like them: Sage
All!: Sliver
More than one: You choose!

Which cat in SkyClan do you like the best will decide your suffix:
Leafstar: Star (leader)
Hawkwing: You choose!
Finleap: Leap
Twigbranch: Branch
Violetshine: Shine
Tree: You choose!
Rootspring: Spring
Frecklewish: Wish
Blossomheart: Heart
Kitescratch: Scrach
Others: Tail
All: Fur
I hate them: Nose

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