Part 19

30 2 10

How many letters do your name have?
2: Ivy
3: Pebble
4: Sliver
5: Rain
6: Willow
7: Puddle
8: Sun
9: Night
10: Fire
11 or above: You choose!

Your favorite super edition:
Rainstar's Destiny: You choose!
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, pls go and search Rainstar's destiny or Rainstarleads
Firestar's Quest: Heart
Crowfeather's Trial: Feather
Moth Flight's Vision: Flight
Squirrelflight's Hope: Flight
Bramblestar's Storm: Claw
Yellowfang's Secret: Fang
Bluestar's Prophecy: Fur
Tigerheart's Shadow: Heart
Tallstar's Revenge: Tail
Crookedstar's promise: Jaw
Hawkwing's Journey: Wing
SkyClan's Destiny: Sky

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