Four: Shit Acting

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*** Abigail's POV ***

"There's my favorite daughter!" Art greets me at the door of their trailer. "I like you in the darker dress. It makes you more powerful."

If it weren't Art, I would be creeped out, but he truly is a sweetheart and so in love with his wife Stephanie. "Stop it, you flirt. Let the girl in!" I hear her call from further back in the trailer.

Art steps back and allows me to enter. Stepping into their trailer is like stepping into someone's living room. It's nothing like the trailer next store.

"What can we offer you? Wine? Cheese?" Art gestures to a small, but indulgent spread.

"Um yes." I respond greedily. I definitely enjoy the finer things; I just don't get them much. Art smirks and hands me an Olive Garden pour of wine, filled to the very top.

"Drink up. We only have 20 minutes before Max makes his rounds and he won't be pleased about that."

"Noted." I take his advice and take a big gulp of wine.

"Abigail dear! You are smoking in that dress! I'm jealous. Reminds me of the 1970s club scene, don't you think, dear?" Stephanie emerges in her classy, yet frumpy costume.

"Stephanie, if you were my mom, I would not allow you to wear that to your anniversary party." I admit, popping a cube of cheese in my mouth.

"I think I'll talk to Max. He won't care. Now Meredith, on the other hand, will go ape shit." Stephanie thinks through her plan, sipping from her own giant pour of wine.

"Convince him to put you in a dress like Stems here and we'll never leave the trailer." Art says with a wink.

Stephanie blushes slightly and kisses the old man's forehead. I love them. I love their chemistry. After so long together, you'd think it would have fizzled, but instead they smolder.

"I know you didn't come by to stare at our wrinkled mugs. What's up, kiddo?" Art inquires.

I snap back to and take another gulp of wine. I tell them about the offer from the park and my hesitation with accepting. They are uncharacteristically at odds with one another in their advice.

"Stick to your guns. Tell them what you expect and deserve." Stephanie affirms my inner diva.

"Play to your strengths and build your legacy. Directing is where the real power lies." Art counters, playing to my ego.

"Well, you two are no better than my inner voice!" I say powering through my wine and starting to feel it, since I haven't eaten much today.

They look at each other like they might try to convince the other of their position, but then they surprise me again when they simultaneously suggest, "Why not both?"

I stare at them like a two-headed beast. They share a laugh over giving the same advice and then trade off explaining.

"That's essentially what you did here, right? Took the job in the back of the house to show your worth while waiting on stand-by for a role." Stephanie asks, gesturing wildly with her nearly empty wine glass. "Do it again."

"Well yeah, but..."

"She's right. She always is." Art stares fondly at his wife. "Don't take my approach as settling, either. Directors truly have power. Even in making casting decisions." He winks at me.

"I could never do that! No one would ever want to work with me!" I deny his insinuation that I could play the part I desired by casting myself if I directed.

"Your moment is coming, sweetie." Stephanie said. I spend my remaining time with them before the show. I am just slipping out when Max is coming to knock.

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