Fifteen: We're Overdue for That

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*** Benjamin's POV ***

My heartrate has yet to return to normal after my interactions with Abigail tonight. Who am I kidding? Since she stumbled into that conference room late this morning, she has had me twisted. But kissing

I glance over at Carlie on the ride home to see if she is picking up my vibe. She's quiet and slumped against the window.

"Are you feeling okay, Carlie?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good." She sounds dull.

"Well, my bullshit detector says that's not true so spill." I tell her.

"There's this...boy." Ugh, why did it have to be that.

"And..." I prompt her.

"How do I know if he likes me? We chat. He's like nice and stuff, I guess. He asks about the show and I ask about his basketball camp, but I don't know if it's just like we're friends or what." She rambles on.

"" My mind literally goes blank.

"You know what. Nevermind. Forget I even asked you." She gets bent out of shape at my hesitation. This kid has her all wound up.

"Carlie, I was just thinking. It has been a while since I've been there. I would say it's a positive sign that he asks about your interests. How do you know him?" I try not to come across as too overbearing, but she better not tell me she met him on the internet.

"He used to go to school here, but his family moved across town. He was invited to the semi-formal dance at the end of the school year, and he talked to me. We danced and he asked for my number. We usually chat a couple times a week, but it's becoming more often." She continues.

"What do you chat about?" I ask curiously.

"Everything." She sighs dramatically. Oh yeah. She's got it bad.

"So, ask him." I say. I can literally feel her eye roll.

"WHAT? No way!" Carlie refuses.

"Hear me out. Girls your age are notorious teases. It's the culture you were raised in and it combats the doubt that a lot of you have been programmed to have about your bodies." I explain, channeling that one women's studies class Rebecca encouraged me to take in college because she wanted to read my books for the course.

"I can't believe you are talking like this. Pull over. Let me out. I'll walk home." She combats me.

"You wanted my advice. Catch him off guard. Ask him outright. He'll think you're badass for not playing games." I tell her.

She thinks for a minute, shakes her head, and then dramatically sighs. "I'll talk to Miss Ross tomorrow. She'll know what to do."

I smile to myself, thinking about Miss Ross and the way her body felt against me. She was hungry for that kiss and I pumped the brakes. It took so much damn willpower, but I really don't want to get Carlie all amped up over this yet.

"She was really happy that you were there tonight. I could tell." Carlie says, starting to sound more like herself.

"I had a good time." I chuckle.

"You painted." She says blandly.

"So? It was relaxing. Maybe I can do this regularly. I'm pretty handy when it comes to building things." I brag.

"You like her." Carlie says quietly. She gives me a small smile.

"I... I do." I admit. Carlie's eyes widen and she is about to unleash a tirade of excitement on me. But I preempt her. "She's the first woman I've taken an interest in since Rebecca, Carlie. I need to take it slow."

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