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       "Rather strange," Doflamingo hummed to himself, eyeing the strikingly blonde child who sat next to his estranged brother. "You hate kids and yet, here you are. With a child of your own. Fufufufu... how ironic."

"...." Corazón frowned and scribbled on his notepad, holding up his chicken scratch letters. "I can't leave her."

"Abandon me, I dare you." The childish voice of the small girl roused their attention, Doflamingo gazing over to his brothers spawn. Her shaggy blond hair shaded her eyes, but couldn't hide the deadly glare her crimson orbs possessed. One hand held her juice box close, the other twirled a silver pocketknife into a threatening position. She pointed it at Rosinante, who frowned and paled at her dangerous aura. "I'll track you down and slit your throat while you sleep."

"Fufufu... I see..." Doflamingo leant back in his large chair, head tilting as he examined the image before him.

There was no doubt in his mind that the child belonged to his brother, the likeness was too similar. Both his brother and the child had bright blonde hair that curled in an unruly manner and reddish eyes that gleamed in the light. His brothers horrible posture was obviously inherited as well, the child's back hunched in what looked to be an uncomfortable way. Doflamingo hummed, eyeing her choice of clothes. A baggy t-shirt obviously tailored from one of her fathers and a pair of tight blue jeans, heavy and worn boots on her feet.

"What a feisty little girl." His comment made the young girl scowl, lip drawn to show her sharp canine. "What an attitude. Had I met her on my own, I'd assume she was my daughter, Fufufu.."

"She gets it from her mother" Scribbled Rosinante, his agitation wavering. Doflamingo noticed, cocking his chin to observe his bothers mannerisms.

"And who might the mother be?" The fluffy pink man allowed a rare frown, voice no longer as flamboyant nor harsh. As much as he would love to demand answers, he wouldn't. His brother was just that, his brother, and even an idiot could see Rosinante wasn't one for affections.

"My mom is dead." The child answered for her mute father, saving him the expense of having to write it down. She kept her face even and stony, red eyes staring coldly into the large mans tinted glasses. "Don't talk about her."

"Is that a demand?" Doflamingo rumbled, raising a brow. Corazón stiffened.

"It's a threat." The child answered, undeterred by her uncles reputation of bloodshed.

"Fufufufu..." Doflamingo couldn't hold back the snicker any longer, grinning at his niece. How amusing it was to see the daughter of his compassionate brother turn out to be so callus and bold. "What's your name again?"

"Donquixote Dulcinea." The girl, Dulcinea, frowned and fingered the handle of her knife, said hand dangling between her spread knees. "Call me Dulcinea and die, I go by Dapple."

"Dulcinea?" Doflamingo hummed and casted a forlorn glance at his brother, who's painted face showed signs of concealed despondence. "Fufufufufu... alright, little Dapple. I won't bring it up again."

"She's not as useless as she looks" Rocinante frowned, tapping his marker on nothing.

"I'll take your word for it, brother." Doflamingo smirked, moving to stand from his awkward place on the back of a chair. He gave a wave of his hand, a man with snot dripping from his nose coming forward. "Escort Corazon and Dapple to their rooms."

"I'm going exploring." Dapple frowned, sipping her juice box and leaving the way she came.

"Little girl-"

"Fufufufu... let her be." Doflamingo stopped Trebol from scolding the devil incarnate, smiling to himself instead. Rocinante watched her walk away with weary eyes, glancing up at his brother with worry. "She's my niece. She can handle herself."

Corazon nodded and stood, tripping over his own feet and falling flat on his back. Dapple knew her dad worried for her, especially after she snuck aboard his ship to join him on his undercover mission. Nothing scared him more than losing her, especially after the death of her mother. It was rare for him to form connections, to love, but sometimes it happened without consent.

Dapple knew it was dangerous for her to follow her father, but she wasn't weak. As much as she hated to admit it, Doflamingo was right. She could handle herself.

"Fuck this..." she whispered, kicking a hunk of scrap out of her way. It skittered down the path, sending dust flying. Her walk around the estate's perimeter seemed to be just as boring as she thought it would be, but it was better than being scolded for irrational habit of opening her mouth.

"Hey, kid!" A tingle alerted Dapple before the words did, her body dodging left and away from the attackers open hand. "Whoa-"

Dapple's hand closed around her wrist and her foot kicked out the green haired girls ankles, sending the childish attacker into the ground. The blonde stepped away and drew her pocketknife from the sheath on her hip, the deadly blade glinting in the sunlight.

"Owie, I was just trying to say hi!" The green haired girl sat up from the ground, eyes slightly watery as she rubbed a forming bump on her head. "My name is Sugar, Doffy sent me to show you around!"

"My uncle sent a child to babysit?" Dapple scoffed, sliding her knife back into its protective casing. Her red eyes narrowed, hands resting on her hips. "Pathetic. Even for him."

"Hey, I'm not a child!" Sugar stood, raising and angry fist as a tick mark popped on her forehead. "I'll have you know I'm sixteen years old!"

"Eh?" Dapple tilted her head and furrowed her brows, brining a hand up to the top of Sugar's head. "But you're shorter than me?"

"Yeah, so!?" Sugar smacked Dapple's pale hand away, small body nearly shaking with anger. "If you weren't Doffy's niece I'd have you turned into a stuffed bear!"

"I'd like to see you try." Dapple scoffed, walking past the child-teen to continue on her walk. She blew a strand of golden locks from her eye, her hair cut into a ragged bob. "Leave me alone."

"Yeah?!" Sugar shouted, stomping her way back towards the monotone Dapple. The girl crossed her arms and strode angrily, trying to keep pace with the young Donquixote's long legs. "Well how are gunna find your way back to dorms, huh? Or the kitchen? Or the bathroom?"

"I'll ask someone." Dapple gave the smaller girl a look, shoving her hands down in her pockets. "I don't need you following me around when I'm perfectly capable of finding my own way around."

"I'm supposed to be showing you around!"

"You're doing a bad job."

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