Chapter 12

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Winter's P.O.V

My eyes widened. I clasped both my hands over mouth from letting any sobs out. He held his arms wide open and gave me a full-blown smile. Before I could control my actions, I ran and literally jumped into his arms. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He tightened his hold around my waist. I snuggled into the crook of his neck, crying. I must be looking like a freaking koala bear. I didn't care. I was crying so hard. I hid face into neck and he rubbed my back. I inhaled the scent of his cologne. I missed him so much. "I missed you so much!" I confessed, in between sobs. 

"Me too, princess! More than you know." Jonah whispered back. 

"Real life Jonah is so much better than facetime Jonah

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"Real life Jonah is so much better than facetime Jonah." I muttered. 

"Show me your face." Jonah requested. I slowly lifted my face up and turned to look at him. He grinned. 

"I must be looking so ugly with the crying and all." I said, embarrassed. 

"No. You look gorgeous as always." Jonah said, tucking a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. I smiled at him. 

"Should we look away?" I heard Jack say. That's when I realized our position. I quickly jumped down. Jonah chuckled. My cheeks were burning so bad. I looked everywhere but not at him. 

"Geez, Winter! There are kids here!" Corbyn scolded, covering Zach's eyes. 

"Hey!" Zach protested. 

I hugged Jonah again, this time to save myself from further embarrassment. "You guys are going to die the most horrible deaths!" I mumbled. Everybody laughed. 

Daniel pulled me gently away from Jonah and hugged me. He lifted me off the ground. I chortled. "I missed you so much, WinWin!" He told me, while putting me down. 

"Me too, Danny!" I hugged him one more time.

I broke apart and hugged Corbyn tightly. "Missed you tons, big brother!" I confessed. 

Corbyn smiled proudly at the mention of big brother and said, "Same here, little sister!" Then he gave me a kiss on the forehead. He caught me off guard with the gesture but it felt so amazing.

"Buddy!" Jack exclaimed. "Buddy! It's so good to see you!" I said with the same enthusiasm. He hugged me and ruffled my hair. "You're always a delight even when you're angry!" Jack winked at me and the others laughed. I pouted at him. 

"Nobody seems to remember me!" Zach whined. "How can I forget my lil' brother?" I said in a baby voice and ruffled his hair. He smiled. He doesn't let anyone touch his hair, except me. He says he likes it when I ruffle his hair. I hugged him. "LA didn't seem home without you." Zach whispered. 

"And no part of the world feels right without you guys." I said, truthfully. 

The amount of time I missed them was unhealthy to a large extent. At times, I would cry myself to sleep when I missed them. We've become too close in a really short span of time. I don't open easily to anyone. But these guys make it look so easy. They make me feel comfortable in my own skin.

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