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chapter eleven:
"surprise surprise"


IT HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS SINCE the two did the dirty dance of the devil. and they became even more closer, if that was even possible. they would smile at eachother randomly, peck eachother's cheeks more often, and overall extremely lovey-dovey.

during work, they would act more happier than usual. their coworkers noticed. lilia's job usually ended before jonah's, though sometimes joe would end work before.

lilia arrived at the motel they were staying at and went up to their room. she unlocked the door, put down her things, and cleaned up the room a bit.

she heard a knock on the door. she was confused at first, as jonah never knocked. she slowly walked up to the door and looked through the peephole. she couldn't see who it was, as the person had a hat on and was looking down. so, lilia grabbed the pocket knife from her purse and held it as tight as she could. she opened the door and...

"jesus!" the person said. this person sounded familiar, "is that how you treat your guests?" they jumped back around.

"junior?" lilia asked in disbelief. "that's me." he started. "c'mere." he gestured for a hug. lilia put away the knife and went in for a hug.

now you're probably wondering who junior is. well, that's my job to tell you. junior is lilia's brother, older brother. they were quite close and they still were. until he went to college a year back. his name isn't actually junior. it's actually liam jr. but, since he absolutely despised his father, he would rather be called junior.

"god, i've missed you! how're your classes?" lilia asked. "well they are too good to be true. i wish i picked a harder course." he replied. lilia laughed.

then, her face became white. "j-junior..." she stuttered, "h-how did y-you know we liv-ed here?" junior was confused. "um well when i drove to the house, no one was in the house. so i put down my stuff and went to mrs. schnapp instead. i asked her where everyone went and she explained that you guys were here and she didn't know where dad was." he started, "but what was weird was that she asked if i was working with dad. i mean why would anyone work with dad?" he joked, hoping to hear lily's laugh straight after. but she didn't laugh.

junior turned to look at her, with a small chuckle leaving his lip. his smile fell when he saw her. her face was pale, her breathing became heavier, and she didn't respond. "lilia? lia. are you okay?" he asked while shaking her. she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. "lilia calm down. he's not working with dad. he hates dad." lilia muttered words that junior could not make out.

lilia lifted her shaky hand to her chest, slightly tapping it. "no no no no no no" she whispered, while standing up and grabbing a cup from the cabinet. she turned on her kitchen faucet and placed to cup to gather the water in to drink it. she couldn't hold the cup any longer and dropped it, causing it to shatter all over the floor. "shit shit shit" she muttered to herself. she bent down to pick up the pieces. but because of her shaky hands she cut herself.

junior noticed. "lilia it's okay. we can clean it up later." he tried telling her in the nicest voice possible and gently grabbed her wrists to lead her into the living room. junior layer down on the ground, "come on, lay down with me." said junior. lilia was still a mess, but she still complied and payed down next to junior. "put your head on my chest" said junior. lilia listened again, "listen to my heart beat. how fast is it going?" he asked. the room stayed quiet for a little until lilia spoke, "i-it's," she stuttered, "i-it's beating fast but it starting to slow down." "listen to it a little longer."

lilia listened to it, mesmerized by how calming it sounded to the point where she began to fall asleep. junior noticed her breathing became more slower and steady. he waited a few more minutes until he carefully got up, picked her up, and set her on the couch.

he realized how much he's missed his sister. and, how much he's missed out on all the drama. why was she so scared?


hey loves! sorry for not updating right when there was 8 votes last time. i kinda had to make a chapter before uploading sooooo.... there's no gif for this chapter. idk why but the picture just wouldn't load in...
ALSO! as you've read, there is a new character in lilia and jonahs story, liam martins junior. his face claim is johnny orlando!!
anywhooooo, how'd you like his chapter? was it good? if so, then think about voting and commenting. no pressure, just a thought. can we maybe get this chapter to.... 9 votes? once it does, i'll update!
tysmmmmm for reading, stay safe, and see you next chapter! by loves ❤️❤️❤️

𝐃𝐄𝐉𝐀 𝐕𝐔 // Noah Schnapp x OCWhere stories live. Discover now