Unexpected family visit

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We are skipping ahead to when they are 16. Dream, George and Sapnap have been inseparable since The Choosing. The Scientists and Soldiers had taken notice on the incredible bond of the three boys and it was on Dr. Zak and Dr. Darryl's orders that they all, including a6d, share a room together. Of course they were all ecstatic but to top it all off the doctors decided Dream and George could be permanent sparring partners! Also this chapter we have a special guest, everyone please welcome StrawberryParadox to the story! (audie_apocalypse your time will come soon enough, just wait a few more chapters! 😖💖. )

TW: Swearing and mention of war and death also blood (?). That's all, carry on.


POV: Dream

Dream had never, in his whole life, been so excited for his Spy work and Assassination training course. Today they were going to learn about their family trees! Well they were mainly doing this because they believed Dream to be related to one of the greatest assassins to ever walk the planet.

What if I AM related to her? Then what? Why does it matter if I'm related to some assassin? Why would it benefit them? Maybe because my family would have my back and there for have their backs too. It would be kind of nice to-

"Dream...? We have to go to lunch now. Are you coming or not?" George tapped Dreams shoulder. 

"Yeah I'm coming. Just hold on a sec." Dream grabbed his mask and strapped it to his face. (*cough* Put your mask on Karen *cough*)

"Dude, how can you even see out of that? When I put it on I couldn't see anything!" Sapnap suddenly appeared next to Dream.

 "Wait- You. Wore. My. Mask...?" Dream turned his head and faced Sapnap, though Sapnap didn't notice.

"Yeah! And it was pitch bl-" Sapnap turned to look at Dream. Dream could barely hold his laughter as he watched Sapnaps shit-eating grin disappear and get replaced with a look of horrified realization.  

"You have 10 seconds to run." 

"W-wait! Dream, please reconsider-"

"9." With a yelp Sapnap broke out into a sprint for the cafeteria.

"Dream, why do you get so annoyed when others try on your mask? It's like your fused to it..." Dream had completely forgotten George was there, and when he spoke it startled the taller boy a bit.

"Um... it's hard to describe. When I saw it I felt like I was the only person who could rightfully have it. Like the universe itself had made it for me and me alone. I don't know really, it's dumb and I shouldn't be so worked up about it but seeing others with it... just rubs me the wrong way."

"Holy damn. Well, ok then. I just thought you were weird or super protective of your stuff. I can't decide if that's dumb or really deep."

"George... what kind of weird?" Dream tilted his head at the shorter boy and his eye twitched under the mask.

"G-GOOD WEIRD! GOOD WEIRD! NOT BAD WEIRD!" Dream felt a strange hitch in his breathing and his heart skipped a beat.

Why is everything this boy does so adorable??? Why am I thinking like this? He's my best friend, I shouldn't feel like this... why is he my everything? Should I care for him like this? This can't be anything more than friendship right? But then why do I want to protect him at all costs? Why is George my world.

"I wonder what type of ice cream flavor they have this week." Dream snapped back to attention and looked at the little tea boy. Dream opened the cafeteria doors only to be met with a wave of screaming that could drown out the sound of a helicopter. Dream watched as George sprinted to the lunch line.

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