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Baekhyun was bored, doodling in his favorite notebook as he sighed.

He's supposed to be in the library now helping students return books on the shelves and pleasing the grumpy as hell menopaused librarian that seems to know every corner and every book in there.

But now he's in the detention room together with a few other students who look like they can't even hurt a fly let alone do some serious offense that can lead them to this room.

2/3 of the power abuse trio are present currently sitting at the front desk acting as if they're doing something important.

"Hey I'm Baekhyun, what's your offense?" Baekhyun whispered to the tan guy next to him. The said guy looks at him with droopy eyes and spoke. "I'm Kai, hi, I slept in class, a little bit unfair considering I stayed up late to study," he explained.

Baekhyun scoffed at that and casually point at Chanyeol at the front then whispered. "Don't you feel the urge to remove him from his position? I have a theory. It's that Suho may be the president but Chanyeol is the lowkey evil mastermind who doesn't like too much attention to him and is as important as oxygen to the council. The real enemy here is Chanyeol but it's fine if we can remove them both."

Kai dumbfoundedly thinks about what to reply to the brunette's statement when the smaller asks again. "So what do you think will you join me in candidacy this coming election?"

Kai frowned and looked at him with confused eyes. "Suho is my brother and I don't think you are allowed to speak ill of a prince like that let alone making conspiracies," he explained. "Besides, you transfer late so the election is done months ago and the reason why Chanyeol can't be president is he's still a second year he'll probably be in his third year."

Baekhyun grumbled at that. "This is not fair I'm a student at this school. I should be given the chance to choose who I want my president to be. Who knows my one vote can kick out Chanyeol from his position and make whoever his opponent is to win." he half-shouted, voice unconsciously getting loud earning heads looking in their direction.

"His opponent for the position was Sehun," Kai said looking unimpressed at his noisy seatmate and noticing the unwanted attention they were gaining.

Baekhyun gasped, flabbergasted by the fact. "Oh right, Mr. Oh Gorgeous Sehun, our school representative. What's wrong with this place? Why is it always the same person every single time? And they told me there's no political dynasty here" he noisily argue.

"Be quiet Byun Baekhyun," Chanyeol said scowling from across the room.

Baekhyun looks at him acting in surprise. "Oh sorry. I didn't know that freedom of stating facts is a crime," he said sarcastically.

"Your self-improvement time is done although it's supposed to be quiet," Suho said eyeing Baekhyun a little but still with a kind smile on his face. "We'll now proceed with the last part of detention. Chanyeol here will assign you your task," he added gesturing to the tall vice president next to him.

Everyone stood up and went to Chanyeol to get their assigned tasks. Baekhyun was the last one to go. He was about to skim through the paper to see where his community work is when Chanyeol snatches it.

"You're stuck with me," He said. "We're on the pool it may cool your head off." Baekhyun wants to protest but he's tired of bickering so he just quietly followed two steps behind.

They worked coordinately opening the hoses, scrubbing the tiles, and putting soap all over the place. Until Baekhyun got a brilliant idea.

Baekhyun sneakily takes the water hose and opens it releasing the water in full force in Chanyeol's face. Before Chanyeol can even know what's going on he's now wet all over, from his styled hair up to his expensive trousers.

"Oops sorry didn't see you there," Baekhyun playfully said while putting his hand on his mouth acting genuinely surprised.

"Alright," Chanyeol said with a hint of a smile, determined to do something. He grabbed the bucket of water with soap on the floor and then grins at Baekhyun. "This is how you want us to do this huh," he said and smash the water right to Baekhyuns head.

The water fight continued for a few more minutes, both giggling at their childishness.

Baekhyun was about to throw the hard soap to Chanyeols head, wondering if it will somewhat recall their childhood memories together when he heard a loud thud followed by a groan.

There he saw the taller sitting on the floor clutching his back and waist.

"Pffft," Baekhyun tried to stop himself from laughing at the scene in front of him but still manage to release a high-pitched squeak.

Chanyeol still groaning, but still on the tiled floor, sends a warning glare at the laughing mess in front of him. "Stop laughing help me,"

Baekhyun cheerfully obliged, not a hint of concern can be seen on his face. "The taller you are the harder you fall" Baekhyun giggled and reached his hand out for Chanyeol to take almost dragging him as well in the process.

Now on his feet, Chanyeol walked to the lockers slouched in the front while a hand was on his aching waist.

"We're not yet done cleaning grandpa." Baekhyun teases and followed the taller. Chanyeol smirked at him. "Do you think this is still part of detention?"

"What the. I knew it, we have janitors all over the place why would you ask the students to clean," Baekhyun accusingly said.

Chanyeol chuckles. "The original plan was to push you on the pool, but then you look so eager cleaning it I can't help but go with the flow,"

Baekhyun scoff. "Then karma is a bitch,"

They sat in the locker room both fondling their change of clothes. Baekhyun even tried to help but just end up tickling the daylights out of Chanyeol.

After changing they bid their goodbyes both awkwardly and oddly comfortable with each other now.



Yixing shrieked and stumbled on his chair then fall on his butt. "Byun Baekhyun what the fuck stop surprising me."

Baekhyun shrug. "I just said hi. You should get your heart checked," he suggested. Yixing stands on his feet and tackles the smaller. "Whatever Baek. Why do you look so tired anyway?"

Baekhyun sighed. "Physics. My mortal enemy. Why do I have that subject anyway it is very inconsiderate for the commoners studying in our school."

"You're the only commoner in our school and stop nagging you passed all your tests," Yixing said.

"Still it takes 2 hours of my life. I could've done something productive rather than review numbers and science combined," he argued. "Why do you ask me here by the way?" Baekhyun asked as he sits on Yixing's bed.

"Oh you know the usual I need you to fix my schedule. There will be a banquet in the palace next month and I need a suit." Yixing said. Baekhyun just take notes and nodded. Being Yixing's assistant for months now, he knows what to do and what Yixing wants.

"Is purple fine?" Baekhyun asked and steal a croissant from the tray in front of him. "Yes sure," Yixing answered.

Baekhyun jerked up straight. "Oh wait Suho will be there right? You need a belt. The one with padlocks." he said as he eagerly writes on his notes, a bread hanging in his mouth.

Yixing grumbled. "Baekhyun stop that it's Prince Suho for you."

"No, he needs to earn that," Baekhyun said as he put his things in his bag. "I'll get going now Xing, I don't know where can I find a belt with padlocks but I consider it a mission so bye now. Also, can I have this" he said as he got hold of the tray.

Yixing just chuckles and lets Baekhyun grab the tray full of bread. "Tell the kids I said hi," Baekhyun gives him a thumbs up.

Yixing shakes his head. He knew those bread are going to be given to the street children and orphans Baekhyun happen to be acquainted with.

He's probably attached to them because Baekhyun himself is an orphan.

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