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The bell rang and your kindergarteners shuffled back into the classroom, rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed after another good reccess. You counted heads as they walked through the door, tapping each one's crown lightly as they walked by.

The last in line was Laurel Anderson. You noticed her little hands were balled into fists, with bits of clear plastic wrapping peeking out between her fingers. She also appeared to have something in her mouth. Strange, you thought, you didn't remember seeing her with any candy when she went outside.
"Whatcha got there?" You asked, crouching down a little to speak with the girl.
"Candy." Laurel replied, speech slightly slurred by the sweet treat in her cheek. She opened her fists to reveal two handfuls of small hardcandies, each brightly colored and individually wrapped.
"Where did you get those, sweetie?" You asked, examining the strange treats.
"Laughing Jack gave them to me!"
"Laughing Jack?"
"He's my bestest friend! He gives me candy and always lets me choose what game we play! He's super tall and his arms are all wibbly and..." The girl rambled on.

So that was it, an imaginary friend? That still didn't explain where the candies came from, but it would have to do for now. Perhaps Laurel had taken some out in her pockets.

"Do you want one, Miss (l/n)?" She offered sweetly. The girl placed a red candy in your hand before skipping off to join the rest of the class.

You watched Laurel as she went, the candy sitting on your palm. You noticed her dress. It didn't have any pockets.

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