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(Gaege POV)
I was sitting in the back with Eddie and Mully. Josh was driving while Narrator was in the passengers seat. Rhett was in the seat next to Eddie. "What are we gonna do for a plan when we get there?" Eddie asked. I looked at all of them. "Same thing, but make sure it's them instead of an innocent family." Narrator said while looking at me. "What?! I'm sorry I thought that her house was that way! That's the way I remember it being because I know where my house is!" I say defensively. Narrator looked at me and nodded. After 1 1/2 hours we finally got there. We parked the same way of the other house, down the road just a bit. "Ok. Eddie, call the police. We need backup for later." I tell him. "What, you don't believe we'll be able to stop them?" Eddie asked jokingly. "No. I believe we can, but I also believe if I'm not stopped, I'll end up killing him." I say as I open my door. "Ah." Eddie says and gets out. Rhett was following Eddie. "You ok Narrator?" I ask Narrator. "Yeah. I just haven't had to use a gun in years." He told me nervously. "Well hopefully you won't have to." I tell him. He smiled and grabbed the shotgun. Eddie, Rhett and I go to the back door while Mully, Josh and Narrator went to the front door.

(Your POV)

I was sitting there hanging my head with James and Nathan talking to eachother. I heard something outside. I look to the two boys. They're still talking to eachother. 'is that the boys?' I ask in my head. I heard footsteps outside go to the front and back and I guess James only hear one of the noises. The front doorknob kinda wiggled. James and Nathan passed the corner to the front door. I heard a small sound to my left, where the back door was. I look and the door opens softly. I see Eddie. He sees me and smiles. Then, I see Gaege smiling behind him. Rhett wiggled through their legs when Eddie said, "No, Rhett!" Hushed but loud. James and Nathan rushed in and saw... Nothing. I was confused on to where the boys went... "What was that?" James asked while walking over to me. I didn't answer. "Answer me!" He yelled as he slapped me very hard. I think I was bleeding. My lip? He heard a sound outside the back door. When he got close enough to the door, I realized my hands have been untied. 'Eddie' I thought. I wrapped my hands around James' neck and flipped over him, on his back holding his neck. "NATHAN!" James yelled softly, but loud enough for him to hear. "GUYS!" I yell  The front and back door swing open. Narrator, Mully and Josh come through the front door. Narrator had a shotgun and aimed it at Nathan. "Move and your head dissipates." Narrator threatened. Mully went over to him to watch him. "You fucking bitch!" James yelled at me while throwing me off. Gaege saw this and after James threw me off, I hit my head very hard on the wall and I passed out.

(Gaege POV)

"You fucking bitch!" James yelled. I look at him and draw my gun and put my finger on the trigger. James threw Y/N off of his back and she hit the wall. James pulled out a gun and Rhett had ran to Y/N. I had noticed this and my fists clenched and my eye closed and my finger pulled the trigger... I heard a whine. "GAEGE!!" I heard Eddie and Josh yell. I opened my eyes. Rhett... I shot Rhett... He jumped on James to save me from James's gun and my bullet hit Rhett instead. Eddie ran to Rhett and helped him. Narrator and Josh was watching me and them and didn't notice Mully get grabbed by the throat by Nathan. "BOYS!" Mully screamed. All our heads shot to Mully. He was in a choke hold and had a pistol pointed to his head. Narrator aimed the gun at Nathan while I aimed my gun straight to James' head. James slowly stood up, equally as me. I had my finger on the trigger again aiming at his temple. "Just wait till Y/N finds out who shot her dog!" James yelled. "Yeah? Fuck you." I said. I heard very faint police sirens. I got a little closer to James. "I'm not the one who beat her for the past 7 years." I whispered in his ear. I put my pistol down a bit. "I'll think she'll understand because I would've killed you right then and there if it weren't for Rhett jumping on you, so I'd watch your fucking mouth." I said in his ear, not whispering anymore. James looked at me angrily. He looked as if he were about to punch me, but he didn't. He just straightened his back. "Well." James said. "How if we just forg-." He stopped talking because I punched him in the face so hard that I think I broke my hand. Nathan made a squeak after seeing what I had done to James. "You wanna be just like him?" I ask loudly. He shook his head as I walked closer. "Then let go of Mully." I said threatening him getting ready to punch him out as well. Nathan let go of Mully and Narrator kept his stance with the shotgun. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look. Eddie was looking at me sadly. "N-no..." I say. I turn to look at Rhett. "He wasn't alone.." Eddie said softly. "I calmed him and he went easy.." I started crying. I walk over to Rhett and kneel. "Good boy..." I say sadly. The police sirens were louder now. I pet Rhett's head and I kiss his head. "She loved him so much..." I say softly. I sirens stop and I stand up and wipe my eyes. I walk to James and grab him and bring him in the middle of the room. I go to Y/N as Narrator pinned Nathan's hands behind his back. I put my hand on her head and caressed her hair. "So pretty.." I say. I leaned closer to her and I kissed her. Not on the cheek.. on her lips. After I noticed what I did I leaned back and gasped. I turn to look at my best friends. They were all smiling. I smiled and blushed. The police were yelling outside and ran in from the open doors. They saw what we had done. "You guys alright?" The lady police officer asked. We all nodded. "Hey, I remember you guys." She said while holstering her gun while her posse walked over to Narrator and grabbed Nathan and cuffed him. They cuffed James and looked at us. "Damn. Who did this?" While pointing at James's face. The boys looked at me and laughed. I raised my hand and the officer said, "Dang." While laughing. The lady from before said, "You guys were at the sheriff's department to pick up a dog." We all looked at the ground and I stand up. "Rhett died in the crossfire.." I told her. She looked under her feet to the left and saw Rhett bleeding. "He was a hero..." I said. "James was gonna shoot me and when I pulled my trigger Rhett was in my line of fire instead of James..." She looked at me and smiled. "Good boy." She said. I nodded and looked at Rhett. The officer looked behind and and saw Y/N passed out. "She alright?" She asks. I nod and say, "If she weren't, I'd be balling my eyes out right now." She looks at me and smiles. "I'm in love with her." I say while turning around. "Well. Let's get her to hospital." I nod and say, "Let's."

Heellooo! I hope you liked this chapter. This isn't the end yet, but it will be soon. Bye, love ya!

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