Uh Oh! Kurapika Is Mad! (2)

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(Gon's POV)
We were all in locked in a room to spend the 50 hours Leorio gambled away. The prison-girl probably thought we didn't want her around so, she kept some distance between us. She looked really lonely.

"Hey, prison-girl." I whisper-yelled.
"It's Y/N. Anyways, what is it?" She replied, also whispering.
"Oh. Well, why were you imprisoned here?" I asked.
"Hm? Oh. I was a member of the Phantom Troupe."

The air suddenly tensed up. It turns out, everyone in the room eavesdropped on the conversation. I just remembered Kurapika had something against the Phantom troupe and quickly checked on him. His eyes began to glow scarlet, a deadly glare was pointed towards Y/N. Yikes.
(Third Person POV)
"Oh, wait. Doesn't that blonde guy have something against the Troupe?" You thought. "Crap. He snaps at any kind of spider. Hehe, I'm in danger."
You looked up to the blonde's direction to find him shooting death glares. Hastily, you looked down and sweat dropped.
"Were you..." the blonde began to talk. "Were you there when the Kurta clan was attacked?"
"Straight to the point!" Your eyes widened in panic. "How am I supposed to get a second chance when I can't build trust?"

The air was tense and quiet, eyes were fixed onto you. To build trust, you must first tell the truth.
"Yes." You finally replied.
The blonde dashed towards you before he punched your face.
"Why? Why can't you guys have even the slightest bit of empathy?" The blonde continued punching your face, enraged.
"Kurapika, stop!" The kid who you talked to earlier tugged at the back of the blonde's shirt; you learned that the blonde is known as Kurapika.

Kurapika took a step back and looked at you one last time. He then turned and returned to his spot. After 5 awkward minutes you decided to say what was on your mind.
"I was there when the Troupe was gathered for the attack on the Kurta clan."
Everyone in the room but Kurapika gave you a "you're dead" look. Although, Kurapika just looked down, trying not to make a scene when he should be relaxing. You then continued.
"When I heard of the mission, I tried to reason with them to stop it. Instead, I was given two options: to leave, or to execute the mission. I chose to leave."
Kurapika shifted slightly which was a sign for you then he was kind of interested.

"It caused an uproar and some even tried to kill me to protect the Troupe's information." You resumed. "I managed to leave them, but I instantly turned myself in to avoid the Troupe and Bounty Hunters."
"Give me information about the Phantom Troupe!" Kurapika demanded.
"No. They took me in when I most needed help. I will show my gratitude by not revealing any information on them. Sorry." You slightly bowed. "But I can help you fight them!"
He clicked his tongue in disappointment.
"Understandable, have a great day."
You bowed again.

During the time in the room, you learned the names of the green haired boy and the white haired boy; Gon and Killua. You also learned that the pig was named Tonpa and the suit and tie guy was Leorio. Communication attempts were made but it didn't really work out. They either ended the conversation as soon as possible or just flat out ignored you. Gon was the only one who talked to you. You understood why, since it was rather obvious.

Killua and Gon were pillow fighting on one side of the room. Kurapika kept his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep and Leorio was forced to take a whiff of Tonpa's sock. You felt bad for Leorio. Who would want to smell Tonpa's feet?
"Hey, Y/N," Gon called out to you. "How old are you?"
"I'm 12." You answered.
Silence. It appeared that they were shocked at the answer.
"Really? You look like an 8 year old!" Gon broke the silence.
You nodded your head in response.

How long has Y/N been in the Phantom Troupe? Kurapika thought.
You sensed a wave of curiosity coming from Kurapika and looked at his direction. He continued "sleeping".
"Good grief." You thought, shaking your head. "I'll earn their trust. I like them. Although, it most likely isn't vice-versa."
A/N: Part 2! I hope it isn't boring (;-;)

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