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A/N: HELLO! This shiz is important so plz read.

1) I have decided to go against the rules of Wormtail. You'll see in the 2nd book. He's not going to be how the HP books describe him. He's going to be played by Caspar Lee and he's one of Castiel's best friends.



"Hellllooooo Pages." The other Marauders greeted to me.

Let me explain the current situation: I had officially become a part of the Marauders [With the nickname Pages because I like books more than Moony does], Lily had FINALLY agreed to go out with Prongs, there was going to be a Christmas ball, and what's the last thing? Oh yeah- MOONY GOT A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND.

Can you tell it pissed me off? Yes. Especially when they'd snog ALL THE TIME. I mean, she wasn't irritating or anything, she was actually a lovely person.

"Oh guess what Pages!" Padfoot yelled excitedly. "We volunteered you to sing for the ball!"

They all scattered like cockroaches seeing light.

"WHAT!" I screeched.

I knew they were running to the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady hated me for some reason so, she'd always yell the same thing. "YOUR NOT A GRYFFINDOR!"

So, they were allowed into the Hufflepuff common room. Sighing, I tried to get into the GCR.

"Tapeworm." I said to the Fat Lady. She glared daggers at me.

"I spoke to Dumbledore. You have to let me in, since I knew the password." This, however, was a lie.

My triumph activated when she gave in and the door opened.

But before I went in, she whispered,"Greybacks aren't noble enough to be in the presence of Gryffindors."

I acted like I heard nothing, when really I was screaming and cursing on the inside.

Still terrified, I strutted up the stairs to the boys dorms, looking for Moony, Wormatil, Padfoot and Prongs. And since I was guessing they were involved, Lily and Rayne.

I saw they left their door open a crack. Were they having a Marauder meeting without me? More importantly, why were Lily and Rayne with them and not me?

I leaned in a bit closer and listened to the conversation.

".......full moon." I heard Padfoot say.

Remus sighed. "Right. Well, how are we going to explain our sudden disappearance to Pages?"

Sudden disappearance on full- WAIT A MOMENT!


"We can tell her we were dueling or something." Prongs suggested.

"Nah. She'll want to visit is in the Hospital Wing." I said.

"How about the boys were having a Boys Night Out thing?" Lily asked.

When we all agreed, went down the stairs to see a familiar blonde in Hufflepuff running out the portrait.

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