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Today was the day. I was going to demand what the Marauders problem was with me.

I was mentally prepared. It was the day after the full moon, so they couldn't run [I had discovered the Animungas secret]. They would be much to injured or weak.

Knowing the others were in the Hospital wing from just my amazing knowledge- And the Marauders map- I made my over there.

I burst through the doors, and spotted the beds they were sitting in.

Remus, surprisingly, was the only one in a bed that was injured. The three others were sat in beds by him.

"Okay, Wolfy. Why didn't you tell me?!" I demanded.

Shock, terror, and -did I say terror- crossed there faces.

"H-h-how d-did you know?" Remus stuttered.

"Oh please. Many reasons. One, you lot go missing for a full day. Two, look at you. Your covered in cuts, scars and bruises. Three, I listened outside your door." I stated.

He sighed. "So, I guess you don't want to be our friend anymore." I was pained to see tears swelling up in his eyes.

"WHAT? No. I was just going to severely injure all of you for not telling me."

They smiled.

"Good. I was afraid of you leaving." Wormatil said, obviously relieved.

I layed next to Remus, who put his arm around me. He snuggled me closer to him, and there it was again.

That funny, happy feeling.

And I knew exactly what was happening. I was falling in love with Remus Lupin.


SORRY ITS SHORT! But do yaaa like the book so far?! Let me know what ya think!!

~F. Imfamy~

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