Chapter IX: Aymar's Revenge

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Garynnon and Aymar was finally closed in from the Lord Christen's blood army on the hillside of Direhall with the Valkyrie Guard backs against the wall. Aymar had felt a power from within as her magic made the ground shake beneath Lord Christen and his army. Lord Christen had never seen such power and wanted Aymar's blood to make himself and his army immortal. Garynnon had seen his sister due this once before when she was trap inside of DeVorn's Ball of Pain. Aymar had created a magic wave that burned most of Lord Christen army to vampire dust as the Valkyrie Guard had charge the Blood army. Lord Christen had notice that Aymar was becoming more and more stronger by the minute and becoming someone new. Garynnon had began to charge up the hillside and make his mark on Lord Christen's personal guard. Garynnon broken his ax in on the guards helmet as he had taken his weapon and fought his way to Christen. Lord Christen had continued going around Garynnon's troops to avoid battle against him. However Aymar had taken a lighting bolt and thrown it to spook Lord Christen's horse as he felt off. The Sheokya Empire had wanted to reclaim the biggest trade city of the west of the former country of Gyard. Aymar had notice that Lord Christen had more troops and boats coming form his personal island of Tejia to aid his fight against the Valkyrie and their master Garynnon. Aymar had light the sky up with green-yellowish lighting as she summons the Dragon of the Dead Brunnyt. Brunnyt was mystical legendary dragon from the land of the dead Uyktan. Brunnyt was the third largest dragon that was none to the Orcs and also the Wood Elves. However Brunnyt was now under pact with Aymar as her protector and shield. 

Lord Christen had never seen Brunnyt before as he was shake by the roar of the enormus beast and his power. Aymar had command Brunnyt to conflict pain and suffering the Blood army while Lord Christen fled the battle with his face half burnt. Garynnon had gather his guard and began to make their way towards the Highmark city of Direhall. Lord Christen yelled for the guard to open the city gates to let him in immediately while Aymar had mounted Brunnyt and made her way towards Direhall. The city of Direhall had heard a loud roar sound as Brunnyt flew over them with his wings span covering the entire sun. Lord Christen had felt fear from Aymar's wraith and his lost of control over the city. Garynnon didn't want his sister to burn the oldest city of former Gyard. Aymar and Brunnyt had held back from attacking the city and kill its citizens and the temple of the old ways of the High Elves. Garynnon told the guard to open the gates and let the Grand Marshal of the Sheokya Empire and make the Lord pay for his crimes. The guard had open the gate and let the Grand Marshal and the Valkyrie Guard inside the old ruin city . Lord Christen had went inside of the Elveymoor Castle  to make his stand against Garynnon and his sister. However Lord Christen was a scientist and works on blood magic for the Dark Lord. Garynnon taken down the blood guard at the entrance while Aymar came from the basement up the back entrance. Garynnon had walk into the throne room of the first castle his parents were married and rule their people. Lord Christen had grab his sword that adsorbs blood once touching its opponents skin when they are cut. Garynnon was toss a special weapon Aymar who was above them on the upper level of the castle. Lord Christen told Garynnon that he would be kill quickly if they battle each other while Aymar had sabotage his research and started to kill his guards. Garynnon had began to attack the man by the statue who was wielding his sword. Lord Christen had fell across the room as he had never felt such power from a High Elf that came from a family of warriors. Garynnon had made quick work on Lord Christen blood guardsmen who came from the shadows. Aymar was finish with destroying his lab and rescuing the young lady Amearra from the alchemist. Aymar had taken Amearra outside and called upon Brunnyt and flown away with the young mother nature. Garynnon and Lord Christen began to fight in the throne room with know one to help the Lord get away from the Grand Marshal. But the fight had ended quickly as Lord Christen was turn into vampire dust by the Supreme Chancellor . Garynnon had turn around and saw Supreme Chancellor Silesia comes towards the Grand Marshal with important message from his friend Norm. 

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