Chapter XIV: Evmjir V. DeVorn

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With the Fairies being slaughtered with the Kingdom of Syth many other kingdoms had send ravens to the Emperor. Ulam and Asmara saw fires and dark clouds over the beautiful colorful city of Syth. Ulam had notice the Qigmudar Bull sigil around the city walls with the city up in flames. Ulam and Asmara had began to head towards the city of Syth to help out against the Chieftain Bora. But they were to late as the late Queen Symphonie was hung in-front of the cate gates. Ulam felt angry and pain as he froze to see the Fairies be slaughtered by monsters. Bora had conquered the ancient kingdom of the Fairies with her most trusted forces behind her. Bora was inform that her brother Yu'ruk was killed by the murder named Aymar. While Bora stood there with no care in the world. She realize that her next target was the Agturk Orc named Ulam Black. Bora had wanted to kill Ulam since he left Ogon with the Mermaid King. Bora was named after her father's father Bora The Giant which was once the most influential Red Orc. Bora The Giant was an adventure and a great leader to his fellow clan. Until the Demon Orcs had wage a war that killed him inside his camp. The Demon Orc Chieftain Morgu The Grey had betrayed there peace treaty and kill and enslaved their clan. But the time had came to take back what Bora's family had lost within those times in the first era. Ulam and Bora had made eye contact within distances of each other. Ulam had made his mind up and would one day take Bora down for the massacre of the Fairies. Asmara told Ulam that they most be patient until the time had came to deal with Bora and her monstrous forces.

Ulam and Asmara had continued to ride back to the city of Yellowstone to aide the Emperor. However Evmjir had regain morale and the upper hand on the siege. With Yu'ruk dead his forces were to busy fighting each other instead of taking control of the city. General Devdan and Norm had majority of the Red Orcs fleeing the battlefield. Sammas had return with the Supreme Chancellor to learn about the death of Queen Symphonie. But the Supreme Chancellor had other news that the Emperor needed to know about before the night was over. However the Emperor had found DeVorn's location as he asks his sister to open a portal to finish their fight. Aymar told her brother that she was coming with alongside Garynnon to fight the Dark Lord. Evmjir had agreed to her terms and regroup a small force to fight off his guard. The Supreme Chancellor had improved her arcane range to protect the bastard Henry and the rest of Yellowstone. With the Empire being target by the Qigmudar and the Hive Queen. Only thing is to do would be to remove the Dark Lord from the world. As the portal began to open with the realm Aymar and Garynnon realize they were on the other side of darkness. Which was known as Haden's Bay where DeVorn was located with the last of his followers. Evmjir was the last one to come out the portal as it was unknown to him the place he was spawn too. Evmjir was by himself without his sister and brother near him. Leaving the Emperor with his small group of soldiers that followed him inside the portal. Evmjir had realize this was the last time he would see darkness in its full power without the Dark Lord.

Many mortals had tried to conquer Haden's Bay but only failed to being consumed by it. Aymar had found the place where she had grown up and trained the dark arts. Many memories had began cloud her head as she looks around to find clues. Garynnon notice that Haden's Bay was filled with demons and vampires that prey on weak souls and curse mortals. DeVorn lookout his tower and saw Evmjir coming towards the molten rock tower with band of soldiers. DeVorn sounds the horn and jumps off the tower to confront the God King. Without being interruptions or being distracted by anyone from killing the one person who couldn't end his reign of terror. Evmjir had saw the Dark Lord and began to charge him with everything he had to finish the battle that started in Yellowstone. Aymar and Garynnon heard clashing noises from the other side of the wall that they were located. Garynnon knew that it was his brother and the Dark Lord fighting once more. Aymar and Garynnon had felt a strange power come from the tower where she was had grew up in as a child. Aymar felt a power that was present above the two rulers fighting each other from the tower. The power was from the Hive Queen Azusa and her puppet demon dog Daboris watching DeVorn fight the Emperor Evmjir. The Emperor's small group of men had began to fight off the demons that tried to intervene in the duel. DeVorn had felt his mother's presences on him fighting the Emperor with her eyes beaming on his back side. DeVorn knew his mother wasn't please with his failures as a Prime Evil and a Dark Lord. He must complete his mother's promise or be punished by default. However the battle wasn't up sided on either side of the duel with Evmjir and DeVorn making attempts on each other. Aymar and Garynnon had join the Emperor's guard to fight the Demons and the demon dog Daboris while Evmjir continue his fight against DeVorn. Daboris was a gigantic hell dog that had four heads and six rows of teeth with 12 tails and a sharp claws. Daboris was 30 meters and 18 feet tall with nothing to match his power in Hayden's Bay.

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