His name

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They were walking in the forest taking Kiri on a walk. Caleb and Nott were making sure to keep a close eye on Kiri, but also having enjoyable small talk. When a certain urge came over Nott.

"Hey Caleb?"

He glances up from his rock searching, "Ja?"

"Remember when you told me I could talk to you about anything?"

Caleb started moving closer to Nott and crouched down to her height. "What's going on, Nott?"

She fiddles with the end of her sleeves and then the top of her flask, "Yeza was his name."

Caleb startles for a moment, "Yeza?" He questions.

"The halfling man I told you about. I- I just wanted to say his name," she then looks down and has an embarrassed look on her face. Caleb sighs, he wants to push further, to learn more about his little friend, but he doesn't want to push her to far.

So instead he says, "that's a good name." Nott beams. Smiles at the acceptance of her decloration. She feels warm and fuzzy inside, thoughts of love and peace begin to fill her mind. She feels at home.

Caleb can't resist the urge to smile back. He places his hand on her head for a moment before standing up and finishing his search for the rock. From his side he can hear the clicks of Kiri chirping along, just listening contently.

They eventually make their way back to the group and the cart to continue on the road.

"Alright people, let's move out!" Beau yells, taking charge as usual.

"Yeza was his name," Kiri pipes up. Nott and Caleb both simultaneously turn to her, wide eyed. "Yeza was his name," she says again.

"Kiri! No! Stop, don't say that!" Nott runs over to the bird, who just looks confused about the situation. Being so young, she doesn't fully uderstand why she shouldn't say that.

"Yeza?" Jester questions, "Who's Yeza?"

"No one! No one important!" Nott yells shaking her hands back and forth, trying to convey to them that she doesn't want anything more said on the sitation. But of course that doesn't happen, just her luck.

Everyone starts talking, "Who's Yeza?" "Someone from your past?" "Yeza?"

Nott stops. Just stops. Hands shaking, eyes wide, a deer in headlights. Caleb notices, Caleb always notices. Swooping in he stops in front of her, blocking everyone's view of each other. "It's okay, mein liebling, it's okay." Nott shakes her head, "let's go, ja?" He askes holding his arms out. Nott slumps against him and just sags.

Caleb wraps his arms around Nott and lifts her up, feeling her tuck her head in his neck, effectively hiding from the rest of the group. Caleb pushed through them, ignoring their calls and concerns and starts making strides towards the front of the cart.

Calebs rubs his charges back while reasuring her. "Shh, don't listen to them. It's alright." He gets to the front of the cart and takes the drivers seat. Caleb maneuvers Nott so she is sitting in between his legs and resting her back against his chest. He reaches around her sides to grab the reins, before looking back and making sure the rest of the team is in the cart.

Once he knew they were all settled in the back, Caleb snapped the reins and the cart started forward. For a while no one said anything, the cart would have been moving in complete silence if not for the horses and wheels on the gravel. After a few moments though the people in the back of the cart started talking quietly.

Laughing when Jester told jokes, Beau tagging along. Listening and making comments on the stories that Molly started to share. Yasha doesn't talk much but her precense is strong and powerful. She smiles softly at her crazy friends. Fjord laughs with the rest of the troop, his deep chuckles a comforting constent.

Caleb takes a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. Nott feels herself reach forward before settling back when Caleb released the air. She fully settles in him, letting herself sink into her wizard. She shuffles in her seat, turning to the side so her right shoulder is tucked into Caleb and her feet drap over his leg. Feeling this Caleb lets go with his left hand and wraps his arm around Nott, letting his hand rest on the side of her leg.

She takes a deep breath before speaking, "thank you, Caleb."

It was bearly a whisper but he heard it clearly, "no need for that," he said, "how are you feeling?"

Letting her head thumb against Caleb's chest, and barely noticing his chuckle at that, Nott responds, "I don't know. I just- I'm overwhelmed I think. I haven't thought about him in a long time and now everyone wants me to say everything and... I'm just not ready," she says quietly. She grabs her wire from her pouch and fiddles with it in her lap.

Nott's head, still tucked into Caleb, lowers slightly, obviously embarressed. Caleb doesn't understand why though, she should never feel that way about her feelings. Nott deserves to be loved and cared for, the feelings of being protected should swarm her all day.

"Ja, that is fine, schatz, that is fine. You do not have to be ready. I trust that you will tell us the things you want when you are ready and when you want to. We don't have to know anything."

Nott smiles and lifts her head a bit, looking at the trees and fields passing. She doesn't say anything, but she lets her hand rest on Caleb's chest, carefully making sure her claws don't puncture his skin. She holds onto his shirt, just as an indication that she heard him and she's thankful for what he said.

The ride continues as such, the only difference is that sometimes Caleb's hand comes up to pet her hair or tuck a stray piece behind her ear.

Soon they stop off the side of the road to sleep for the night. Caleb lets Nott climb out of his lap before climbing out of the cart seat himself. He goes and gently pets the side of one of the horse's head before leaving to place the silver wire around the camp they are taking up for the night. Nott leaves him to set up their bedrolls and do what she can to help set up the camp.

After getting the wire situated, Caleb went over to his bedroll that Nott so graciously set up for him. He laid down and settled in for the night, the weight of Frumpkin on his chest purring a comforting familiar feeling. He soon feels another familiar weight pressing against his side, Nott.

"Jester talked to me," she said.


"Ja, she said she was sorry for pressing the situation. I believe her."

Caleb nods and wraps his arm around her, "me too."

Silence follows for awhile, Caleb's hand comfortingly rubbing Nott's back, the other hand buried in Frumpkin's fur.  Caleb thinks that Nott may have fallen asleep until, "Caleb?"

"Nott?" He rotates his head so he can see her better.

"Thank you, for- for everything," she yawns into his shoulder. Then she cuddles in closer, nuzzling her head against him.

Caleb smiles and for a moment wonders if she is part cat. Then he tightens his hold on her and let's his head roll to the side, getting comfortable, "anything meine liebe, anything."

So Critical Role is my new favorite obsession! Caleb and Nott are my favorites, I just love them so much and when I ran out of fics to read, I made my own. sorry if the little amount of German is incorrect, I did look it all up to make sure, but you can't always trust the internet right? So I hope you all enjoy, please vote, comment, and follow! Thank you all for reading and I will see you next time.

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