Chapter 4

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"What? Why?" Sara asks, not wanting to be admitted.

"Because, you do." Cooper said.

Sara pulls out her phone and dials her mother's number.

Felicity turned from the window.

Cooper looks toward his wife. "I'm going to speak with one of the doctors on call."

Charlotte nodded. "Okay."

Leaving the room, Cooper goes in search of one of the doctors.

Sara was silently speaking to her mother.

Felicity looked from Sara to their teacher and back at Sara again.

Shifting, Sara hangs up the phone. "My mom is on her way." she mumbles.

Charlotte nodded. "Good."

The teen shifts on the bed and lays down. "Felicity, come lay with me?" she asks, having put the tray of uneaten food on the table.

"Eat." Felicity said, not moving.

"I'm not hungry." Sara responds.

Felicity shook her head.

Closing her eyes, Sara tries to relax.

Felicity moved across the room and sat on the edge of the bed. She lifted one of the sandwiches off of Sara's food tray and held it to Sara's lips. "Eat."

Groaning softly, Sara sits up and looks at Felicity. "I'm not hungry."

Felicity gritted her teeth. "Eat." She repeated, pushing the sandwich against Sara's lips again.

Pushing the sandwich away, Sara shakes her head.

Felicity huffed and put the sandwich down. She stood from the bed and moved to the doorway to her room, stopping. She hesitated, swallowing. She hadn't left the safety of the room she was in before. Taking a deep breath, Felicity slowly left the room and walked down the corridor.

"Felicity Smoak?"

Felicity was stopped in the middle of the hallway by a young doctor, not much older than her, who had curly dusty brown hair and green eyes.

"I'm Doctor Reese, from psychiatry. Doctor Shepherd asked me to come see you." The doctor said.

Felicity stared at her, her eyebrows furrowed under her glasses.

"I'm not going to commit you, I'm just here to evaluate your state of mind." Doctor Reese says softly.

Felicity continued to just stare at her, blinking a few times.

"Do you mind if we talk?" The doctor asks.

Felicity looked as though she was thinking. Maybe this psychiatrist could help her understand why Sara wouldn't eat to make herself better.

"What's on your mind?" The doctor asks softly.

Felicity swallowed. She slowly reached out a hand and took Doctor Reese's wrist in her small hand before leading her to her room. She stopped outside the room and pointed to Sara on the bed. "She won't eat." She mumbled.

Sara was already back asleep with Mrs. King-Freedman watching her.

Felicity let go of the doctor's wrist and looked at her. "Why won't she eat?" She mumbled.

"Has she already eaten? There is a possibility that she's not hungry because she already ate." The doctor responds.

Felicity shook her head. "She has diabetes."

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