Ch.8:The Spring Prelims.

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It was the last day of the training camps,

"Whoa look at her go! She amazes me what on Earth-"


That last hit from Hinata left the opponents blockers mesmerised and paralysed.

Her bib lifted up slightly to show lightly toned abs,

her vision — unwavering as she smacked a super fast ball down with ease,

her luscious lips agape as she flew through the air,

and most of all?

Her cheer of victory as the toss she spiked landed.

The restless days of the training camp have come to an end as Karasuno groggily paced towards their coach. Only one person was energetic at this moment. This was obviously, Hinata.

She dashed around to all of the players she had positive interactions with, smiling, and annihilated those who weren't favourable with her death glare ( *cough cough* Lev).

This time, she brought a sleeping mask that one of the managers gave her as a gift she would 'most definitely use'.

"Thank you Eri!!" Hinata yelled as she leaped onto the coach. Eri waved with a smile and practically melted inside.

"You know, I thought you'd be a lot more active in terms of interacting with Hinata, you know? Like at first it just seemed like you fell for her, but then you rarely spoke to her. Do you actually like her?" Lev asked boldly.

"Oh...make no mistake about that," Kuroo replied with a sly smirk while scratching the back of his neck. Kuroo then went to shake hands with Daichi as every other captain did.

The coach left the training camp and Hinata officially passed out with her head on Kageyama's lap, her sleeping mask rested uselessly on her forehead as she mumbled about kimchi in her sleep.

Kageyama, on the other hand, had his head bobbing downwards as he was in an uncomfortable position and wanted to sleep.

About an hour later, Hinata woke up to see Kageyama swaying and craning his neck, occasionally drifting in and out of consciousness.

After a lot of thinking, Hinata came up with a solution and went to sleep again with a smile, and her nose nuzzled into his neck.

He's definitely gonna hate me for this, she thought...

"Kageyama...psst!! Oi! Kageyama!," whispered Daichi.

Kageyama groaned and rolled slightly to realise there was something on him. Actually not something,

He opened his eyes as wide as possible to realise that he wasn't sat up asleep, he was laying across two chairs with hinata tight in his arms. Finally, he woke up fully, looking at Daichi with confusion.

"She's been like that for hours you know, just wanted to make sure she was still breathing?" Daichi explained.

Kageyama looked down at Hinata who's face was tucked in his neck, while wearing a lilac sleeping mask, and she refused to budge.

Her stomach and chest were still rising so it was safe to assume she was okay.

"Uh! S- !" Kageyama started. But he soon interrupted himself with a startled face.

Everyone turned to Kageyama with a confused expression on their faces as he explained in a panicked tone,

"Uh I-I think she's trying to say-" He cut himself off with a jolt. This attracted everyone's attention.

Well, why was Kageyama so flustered?

Daichi gestured him to continue as he really quickly blurted out,

"I think it's cause she's trying to s-say something in her sleep, but I t-think she's k-kinda licking me right now?"

Everyone blinked to process the information that had just been thrown in their faces....

She WHAT??!!!?!?

Tanaka and Noya scrambled over the heads of Ennoshita and Asahi to see that what Kageyama had said was true!

Her jaw was moving, ever so slightly, to the point where it was relatively clear that she was either chewing something, saying something, or licking something.

As his suspicions were confirmed with a nod from his senpais, a crimson colour dusted onto Kageyama's cheeks.

But...what could he do??

His first decision was to shake her awake.


Shake her,

in an attempt to wake her.

This, however didn't work on Hinata as she was, realistically, the most exhausted out of the lot of them.

She ran more than five times of what everyone else had to run. She desperately needed her rest.

Then Kageyama thought of a cruel method to get her to move. Squish her face with his neck.

It didn't seem like a good idea at all and was almost 100% guaranteed to not work.
In fact, it utterly failed and all he got in the end were neck cramps for the next twenty minutes.

Hinata finally shuffled and scooted down onto his chest instead.

Everybody breathed a sigh of relief when she backed away and an even bigger sigh of relief when they found out they were only 10 minutes away from the school.

"Yo Kageyama! Whoaaa no wayyyyy" Hinata said with a shocked expression as she lifted herself up and stared at him while shifting her eye mask.

"When the hell did you get a hickey?!!" Hinata exclaimed.

Suga whipped his head around immediately with a scolding face until it dawned on him.

Actually, it dawned on the whole team, including Kageyama.

The hickey was from when Hinata was doing something to his neck in her sleep.

The hickey was from Hinata.

"Shuttup! I can do what I want anyways why do you care!" Kageyama blabbered with a hopeful expression in his face.

"I commend you for your game Kageyama. Well done." Hinata said as she sat up and pat his back.

No! She's gonna think I'm into someone!

As that thought struck through his brain for less than a split second, Kageyama smirked while holding his forehead as though he were having a headache with his index and thumb.

What is wrong with me.

He thought as he walked Hinata home with all their things.

"Yo are you okay? You've kinda laughing to yourself like some old weird pervert since we got off the bus," Hinata remarked.

Kageyama shot her a death glare as he chased her through the streets.

"Aye!! It was a joke!! I promise!" Hinata exclaimed as her voice ran with her to disappear in the distance.

"Tsk...toddlers." Tsukishima stated as he walked toward his own home.

Today was the day, the beginning of fate, the bringer of destiny, the decider of life,

Today was the beginning of the Spring Tournament Preliminaries!!

The school that isn't defeated a single time and the school that exceeds all, goes to the Spring Nationals!

Where every team qualified throughout Japan will compete against each other for the spot of the top high school!!

Our protagonists, however, seem to be stuck in a traffic jam.

"MOVE OUT THE WAY YOU *beep* *beeeep*" yelled the author.

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