Chapter Twenty-Four

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Trigger Warning: I am not promoting anything. This is a story and it's all fictional. Made up. Mentions violence and suicide. Skip this chapter it will still make sense.  

Rose's POV

I've never driven this fast in my life. I wiped the tears away from my face and widened my eyes so that I could see the street names. Lily and Ty were coming in a bit and they went to inform my parents about my whereabouts so they didn't call the police on me. Ty had given me his home address because I've never been to his house before.

I parked the car in front of his house. Not caring, how badly I had parked it. I got out of the car and ran towards his door which was open. I pushed the door and found beer bottles broken on the ground. I walked around it quickly and stopped when I heard the sound of the television. I turned my head slightly to see a woman sitting in the living room watching T.V. The woman sitting in the front seemed to be his mother. There were bottles surrounding her as she watched the screen.

"Do you know where Eli's room is?" I asked desperately. She turned her head slowly towards me and stared at me and didn't say anything. I wiped down my face quickly and said, "Please tell me. I'm afraid he might hurt himself."

The women didn't say anything, she just stood there. Can she not hear me? Was she deaf? Since she wasn't going to tell me anything I took the initiative and ran around the whole house looking for him. I heard the sound of glass crashing, making my eyes widen. The lady for the first time moved slightly in shock but she didn't make a move to get up. I ran up the stairs and tried to open his door but it was locked. I could hear him crying, the sound of his muffling sobs broke my heart.

"Eli, it's me, open the door," I said while knocking on the door. He stopped crying but after a second I heard him break something else, "Didn't I tell you to forget me? Why are you here, leave." He yelled while crying.

I heard him cry loudly; I pounded the door with my two fists and said, "Eli I will never forget you and I am not leaving you." He laughed loudly as if what I said was the funniest thing in the entire world.

"You will leave me eventually. Everyone has. First my father he committed suicide right before my eyes. I mean I couldn't blame him because of the depression he had inherited from his father. He tried to be happy but he couldn't because of the damn disorder. My older sister left me without saying anything and my older brother who promised that he would see me didn't even see me once. My so called mother hasn't talked to me most of my life; she hasn't been there for me. She's practically a walking corpse walking around waiting to die. No one wants to stay with me. No one loves me," he cries out. I dialed 911 scared he might hurt himself.

"Eli. I will never leave you. I love you, Eli. I will always love you and I want to stay with you. I can't imagine what my life would be like without you please baby open the door." I heard the sound of glass shattering again. He continued to break the remains of his room. I pressed the phone against my ear and told them his address and she said they were coming on their way.

"I know how to end the pain. This will make me happy," Eli whispered.

"Eli." I cried out as I banged the door harder. I stopped banging on the door and placed my ear against it. I couldn't hear him. I heard the faint sound of water running from inside. No, no, no.

"Eli..." I screamed. I moved back and threw myself against the door trying to open it but it didn't work. I tried again, my arm was sore but it didn't matter. I felt my heart beat faster, he wasn't talking nor I could hear him breathing.

I look around to see if I could break the door with anything. I found a small closet. I opened it up and found a tool box. I grabbed the hammer that was in the tool box and broke down the door. Seconds later I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Tyler and Lily were, where is the damn ambulance?

"Open... door.. Eli," I choked out. Ty grabbed the hammer without any questions and broke down the door. He reached inside the hole that we had created and unlocked the door. We opened the door and went inside to find a missing Eli. I looked around and found a door; I walked towards the door and twisted the door knob. It wasn't locked. I walked inside and my eyes widened.

The sound of my heartbeat slowed down as I found an empty bottle of pills on the floor. I screamed loudly as I found Eli beneath the water in the tub. I stared at a lifeless Eli who is now pale; I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out.

I was pulled out of the water just when I was about to feel the water cascade my lungs. I wanted this time to be different. I wanted the pressure hit against my lungs harshly making it harder for me to breathe. Because I wanted to see him longer, if only my body could have handled it. I could have remembered every single detail if my body allowed me to. I tried to take my hands away from my mother, no, I need to drown myself again. I needed to see him, this was the only way. The people that surrounded my mothers seemed to be paramedics.

They were going to take me away from him. No, I won't allow it, they can't take me away.

"Rose what were you thinking!" Mother exclaimed. I looked around the room, he wasn't there. No this can't be happening. I got out of the water and pushed past my mother and the tall man. I looked around and tried to find him but he was nowhere to be found.

"What are you looking for?" Mother asked. I looked around frantically, no, no, this is bad. He's gone.

"Where is Elliot?" I asked mainly myself. Normally, Elliot would stay for a while but because of mother and then men he probably left. This is all their fault if they had just waited a couple more minutes then he would have stayed. This time forever.

"What are you talking about, Rose?" She asked as she took a step forward but I took a step back. She wiped her tears and ran her hand down her face while shaking her face back and forth.

"If you waited for a couple of minutes then he could have stayed mom. Elliot could have stayed with me," I said. I ran my hands through my hair frustratedly and pulled at it harshly. If only she had waited. I could have saved him this time; If she hadn't stopped me he would have been here with me.

"What do you mean by that, Rose," she said slowly. I balled my fists tightly and silently cried.

"I could have saved him this time mom. If only you gave me some time. The last couple of times I interrupted my Ty and Lily so I'd have to start all over. This was the first time I've been really close," I said.

"I don't understand," mother said as she told the paramedics to move back. She took a step forward with her hands shaking and grabbed mine.

I hesitantly smiled and decided to tell her, "The only way I could see him is if I drown himself. This time I saw everything. It was real as if he was here with us. I could touch, kiss, and hug him." She gasped and stared at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Rose...Eli is gone. It's been two months now, so you're telling me you've been drowning yourself this entire time to remember him?" She asked.

I nodded and said, "No he isn't gone. He's still here. I can bring him a back if you'd just leave and let me try again I can-" She cut me off grabbing my shoulders and pulling me closer to her.

"Eli is gone, Rose. He drowned and you can't bring him back by drowning yourself. You can't do that to yourself, Rose. What if you drowned? What if you were in there too long? I could have lost you, Rose! Dammit!" She yelled out. She sobbed harder and went down to her knees.

"No he isn't! He isn't dead yet I can bring him back!" I exclaimed.

I stared at her and shed a tear for the first time in two months. Deep down I knew that she was telling the truth but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to feel close to Elliot, and with the pills I've been taking the past couple of months. It helps me remember him, makes it easier for me to remember the memories that we shared together. 

a/n: when she pulled his collar irl her mother pulled her out

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