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Sup dogs!!! It was Thanksgiving break last week and it was awesome. Minus the fact I did boring things but I got to sleep a lot which made me happy. The only things I did were listen to music and read on my wattpad app. Lame right. Then at night the fun stuff happened!! The naughty stuff*evil laugh*.... and the silly stuff stuff came out. And by naughty I do mean dirty I mean get in trouble type stuff. I know what you little pervs are thinking, I can see your face through your screen.  

Tomorrow is gonna suck cause I'm gonna be tired and because its Monday so like naturally it sucks. It's 12am exactly right now. Just thought I'd tell you. Anyways I got lazy so I had to right my report for English (which I think Im gonna fail) last minute.... well you know last night. I was busy watching The Walking Dead so I have a good excuse to get a bad grade and I was gone all week without my backpack.  

I'm writing all of you guys a story but I'm not sure what to call it. It's gonna be epic!! I'm not gonna spoil the suprise though cause that would be mean. I don't know what else to say.  

I feel lonely in my Cody Simpson world. All my friends are like ehh he's ok. Except for Ariel she said he's ugly and has a big nose. Me and JoAnna got in a fight Last Thurs during PE and we started yellin and said that "CODY SIMPSON SUCKS!!!!!" and so I said "I HATE 1D!!!!" I didn't mean it though and I know Megan is reading this so don't be mad. It was spur of the moment and then it got physical and at first it was cat fight you know with you and slapping and stuff. We were on the bleachers too but then we started pushing and shoving and to be honest *sniff I was scare for my life*sniff. Anyways before I got on here I was watching a video on YouTube about the amazing Cody and he was like "it's hard finding new friends around the world" and then some random chick yells" I'LL BE YOUR FRIEND!!"(in that vid I almost started crying he was singing angel and I was like"no your the angel Cody") ohhhhhh all them chicks bess be backin away cause he's mine. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY LIKES HE HAS!!! OVER 3million and do you know how hard its gonna be to kill all them chicks that thinks they can touch my man and get away with it? REALLY HARD! But I'm lazy so I'll just make someone do it for me. Dang my Cody Simpson paragraph was the longest.  

You guys know what?!?! I think it was in the last chapter I said I couldn't wait to see Switched at Birth tonight well guess what!?! Turns out the week before that was the season finale and when I toted megan I was all" switched at birth isn't coming on" it was some movie I think and she said somethin like "last week was season finale" and I wanted to cry 

Well Idk about you but I think this has been a longer chapter. Signing off at 12:25am it's Laken Deal. Bye my midgets!!!!!*****************VID ON THE SIDE OF THE INTERVIEW*********

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