2. College AU

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"Come on, San, almost there." Her arm hung over his shoulder and he tightened his grip on her wrist. "Just one more block."

He had never seen her like this before. He had found her on the ground, a couple of blocks away from her dorm. When he had tried to help her to her feet she had constantly lost her balance while giggling uncontrollably.

"Will you leave me alone then?"

He sighed. "No, I don't think that's a good idea."

He had heard a few too many stories of students almost drowning in their own vomit or breaking their neck while tripping over their own furniture.

"I only have one bed." She obviously tried to sound sexy, but her double tongue was everything but.

"I will sleep on the floor." He would not let her talk him into her bed. Not like this. The first time he was gonna sleep with her would be when she was sober and in her right mind.

Her laugh echoed all around them. "My bed is way more comfortable." She tripped over her own words and Jon rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, until you barf all over me. No thanks." He shook his head.

"I'm a lady! I would never do that!" She screamed, almost waking up the entire campus.

"Right." Jon kept on walking. "Why the hell did you drink this much anyway?" He wasn't judging her for doing so. After all, he might have been just as drunk as she was right now quite a few times.

It just wasn't like Sansa to lose control like this.

"So..." Sansa took a deep breath.

"If you need to vomit, can you warn me?" Jon stood still and pushed Sansa a few inches away from him.

"I won't vomit!" She protested and she almost fell backwards so quickly he pulled her back into his safe and steady arms again. "And it's all professor Baelish' fault!"

Jon furrowed his eyebrows. "He forced you to drink this much?"

"No!" She clicked with her tongue. "He paired me up with Ramsay Bolton for a project."

Jon guided her into her dormitory and called the elevator. He let out a relieved sigh when it seemed to be working. He didn't feel like carrying her up four stairs.

"I had to have a few drinks before I was ready to face the bastard." Sansa leaned heavily on him and before she could try he reached for her handbag to look for her keys. "And I needed a lot more alcohol after the meeting."

Jon sighed. "Look..." He pulled her into the elevator and pressed the right button. "Why didn't you just tell Baelish that you couldn't work with Ramsay?"

"Have you ever tried? Going against Baelish?" Sansa rocked back and forth until the elevator halted on her floor.

Carefully he guided her towards her own front door. His hand trembled when he tried to put the key into the lock. He knew what Ramsay had tried to do to Sansa.

"He's not my professor. Tomorrow I'll go and talk to him, okay?" Eventually the door opened.

"That's so sweet!" Sansa giggled while he lead her to her bed. "You're so sweet." She tried to kiss him, but she lost her balance and fell on her stomach on her bed.

"And you need to sleep." Jon pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "I will fix this for you tomorrow."

Instead of an answer a loud snore echoed through the room. 

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