6. Hospital AU

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"I can't do this." Sansa Stark shook her head. "Not with him in the room."

Jon pressed his back against the wall and closed his eyes. He had no idea what he had done to make her act like this. Had he said something wrong? Had he done something wrong? Had he somehow hurt her?

"Either you replace him or you can find yourself a new surgeon for this one." Sansa crossed her arms over her chest. Her voice sounded firm. Much firmer than usually. And despite her words Jon still liked the sound of her voice.

The assistent let out a deep sigh. "Doctor Stark, is it really not possible for the two of you to just tolerate each other for two hours?" She stared at her clipboard. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to make this planning work and how much time it will take for me to find another surgeon or assistent without messing everything up?"

"It's about the safety of the patient!" Sansa raised her voice.

He had never heard her do that before. No matter how cold she sometimes sounded, she always sounded calm and collected.

"When Jon is near me..." She licked her lips. "I just can't concentrate on anything else anymore, okay?"

Jon breathed in, prepared to hold his breath to finally hear why doctor Stark hated him so much. Especially because then he could make sure to fix it so they could slowly become friends and maybe even more.

"Everything about him distracts me. That constant frown on his forehead. Those black curls tied into a bun. The rare smiles he smiles when he thinks no one is looking. Those small moments of kindness he shows every patient and especially those who feel scared or alone."

Jon furrowed his eyebrows. That didn't sound like she was hating him, did it?

"He makes my heart beat faster and my hands sweat and I'm terrified that if he's in that room with me while I'm trying to get the surgery done, my hands and fingers will tremble and I'll be more aware of his heartbeat than the heartbeat of my patient."

The irritation on the face of the planning assistent slowly turned into a smile. "You're in love with him."

Sansa hissed between her teeth. "Can you keep that silent, please? No one is supposed to know. You know how the gossip works here. Within a few hours Jon himself will know about it."

A giggle escaped the assistant's lips. "I'm afraid that it's already too late to keep this a secret from Jon, Doctor Stark." The assistant glanced his way and Jon felt his cheeks glowing while he awkwardly stepped forward.

"So..." He cleared his throat. He knew all too well how Sansa felt when he was near. His heart was racing in his chest too and if he had been holding anything it would have for sure slipped through his sweaty fingers. "I guess I'll find someone to replace me at the surgery." He cocked his head. "And tonight is your night off, right? Because in that case I can also get us a table in a restaurant somewhere?"

For the first time ever he saw how Sansa was totally lost for words. Eventually she simply nodded.

He didn't even try to hide the huge smile on his face while he went to search for a nurse who could replace him, his mind already searching for the perfect restaurant for their very first date.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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