5. Post-Apocalypse AU

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"Be still stomach..." She hissed between her teeth while she crawled through a hole in the wall that was too small for even her tender and hungry body. "This is not the time to attract unwanted attention..." She placed her feet carefully on the dusted floor and pressed herself against a wall while listening for any signs of life or dead lurking around this place.

Most of the houses in this part of town had already been raided by others, but it had taken her weeks to break into this one.

She hoped that it meant everyone else had simply given up and had tried to find an easier mark. It hopefully meant there was still something to eat and some useful stuff in here too. Especially because she had two hungry little brothers to feed too. And a little sister, although her little sister was more than capable of taking care of herself.

"Stand still or I shoot!"

Sansa turned her head towards the screaming voice.

"How did you get in?" The young man stepped forward. The lack of light made it hard to see, but his long black curls reached his shoulders and he looked like he hadn't changed into any new clothes ever since the Zombie virus infected way too many people a couple of months ago. He didn't look underfed, like she, though.

"How did you get in? It took me weeks to break through all the wooden barriers!" Sansa raised her eyebrows, but didn't move any part of her body apart from that.

The young man smiled. "Good. If it took you weeks, maybe the Zombies won't bother." He sighed. "Unless they of course find the entrance you made into my home."

Sansa blinked a few times. "Your...home?"

The young man shrugged. "Everyone fled. Where to though? I raided a few grocery stores and then locked myself in."

"That's actually pretty damn smart." Sansa didn't even attempt to hide her admiration. "So, I assume that means you're not planning on sharing some of your provisions with a hungry girl and her hungry siblings?" She stepped forward too and showed him her slender frame and her tangled red hair wrapped into a messy bun. "I promise I'm very much alive. Still. For now."

The young man at least put the gun away, but him scratching the back of his neck didn't promise anything good. "I'm almost out of things too. I have enough for one person for two more days. Then..." He shrugged. "I guess I will have to get out of the house and see what the world looks like..."

"You're gonna be dead within an hour if you've no idea what you're getting yourself into." Sansa stretched out her hand. "I'm Sansa, by the way, highly experienced in staying alive and keeping others alive. You can come with me." She didn't know why she said that. Why she offered to take care of another person when she could barely take care of the ones she was trying to take care of now.

"I will get my sword collection and what's left of my food." He accepted her hand. "Jon. And yes, I know how to use a sword."

Sansa smiled. "Only beheading works. All the other damage heals."

"Off with their heads it is then." Jon smiled back at her.

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