Chapter 1

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Hey guys ,its my first time i write something and this is my first story here, im not sure if i will be able to write something good but i dont know i felt like i should give it a try.Also there might be some mistakes because its not edited.
I haven't even made my own baner yet because i thought of this story today when i woke up and i wanted to write something first.This wont be a long chapter since its the first and i need some time to get used to writing here.
So anyway , if you're reading this i guess you might be the first reader and i actually succeded in something and at least i got you to read this.

Enjoy it and give me any suggestions please , i really need them. 
Love yaaa 

It was everything just as I had planned it , perfect.The guests sitting and waiting anxiously , the roses in every corner of the church , and the love of my life waiting for me in the aisle.I smiled at my dad on my side and assured him I was ready to walk inside.Just as I made a step the piano started and everyone stood up.I locked eyes with Cody and immediately got lost in his green eyes filled with love.A warm smile found place in his face and soon I couldnt help smiling either.
I was already standing by his side and he took my hand interwining our fingers.

"Ready?"asked the priest. 

"Yeah." Cody answered looking at me "Ready".

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony"

A million feelings started to explode inside me.I couldnt believe I was actually getting married to the man I love and who I know for sure loves me too.I took a look around and saw my best friends as bride maids just as excited as me with a huge smile on their faces .I could still hear the priest talking but I wasnt paying attention to his words.I felt Cody's hand still on mine and glance at it , I felt protected ,safe and loved each time he touched me.I realised from now on I would be with him everyday in our own place,loving each other and making plans for the future.

"Do you Alexis Marie Howard accept Cody Liam Johnson as you future husband to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?"His words echoed in my head.

'Where did the other part of the speach go?He was saying the intro just a couple of seconds ago?' Guess like I zoned out and got myself too deep onto thinking,I let out a small chuckle.
The priest gave me a weird look..

"Honey are you okay?" Oh Cody is still here.
'Where else would it be , you're marrying him right now you idiot.' Great now my own mind is calling me an idiot..Oh shoot I forgot im still at my own wedding.I turned around and all eyes were on me.

"Um yeah?" It sounded more like a question than a valid answer but anyway..

"So?" the priest talked again.He was becoming annoying talking this much.

'He is supposed to talk you know?' Ah this small voice again.
As I was about to say 'I do',a loud noise echoed around the church and everybody started to disappear ,I looked at my hand but I wasnt holding Cody's but I was grabbing the air instead.And I wasnt in church my bed.

That annoying noise started again and I turned around to turn of the alarm.

"Ugh time for school ,I guess, it was such a nice dream." I muttered to myself.


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