A few months later*

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Hey, don't judge! I had no ideas! If you have any suggestions, my ears are wide open! Tam, Keefe, and Fitz creates a love... circle? Square? Whatever. Enjoy this part.

"Sophie! If you don't get your ass up here right now, we're going to have an issue! 3–" Sophie did indeed hurry her ass up there, because tonight she was going to see Tam! Her heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him. But there was no way he liked her back. No way at all. He was too dark and broody to see her as that.

Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. So oblivious to everything around you. Pay attention darling.

The second she entered the room, Biana tapped her toe, and pointed to the chair in front of the vanity. "Sit."

Sophie sat and watched as Biana pulled out three huge suitcases of makeup. Three! "OK so we'll start off with your base makeup of course! Then we'll get started on your contour..."

(I don't know shit about makeup so comment things about it. It probably would also help with my social life. Not that have one.)

A few minutes later, Sophie opened her eyes and... boom! She was completely transformed! Biana has gone for framing her exotic eyes with her golden hair. "Biana!" She yelled!

"What! Did I do something wrong!? Crap, I knew I shouldn't have used that—"

"No!!!" She said. "It's perfect."

She looked in the mirror. How did she do that? All of her insecurities just vanished. Who knew that—

"Earth to Sophie! Hello?! Are you in there?" She started knocking on her head.

"Ow! Let's just get this night over with!"

But the day was just getting started...

Cringe. That sucked. I legit know nothing about makeup, so support is needed! Anyways, comments wanted. If you got nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut! Children of Jesus are here! Stay awesome stay sweet (check out my good friend Azzyland at YouTube.) stay healthy. Thank you to the six people who have read this!

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