Chapter 13 - Lay your hands on me

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A.N: So this chapter is short as not much interaction with everyone they all kind of stuck to their own stuff outside of Tucker this episode. Also made up Tucker's age.

Rosalind POV:

After Cristina's wandering patient this morning I was glad that I am in the pit as one of the things I think I want to specialise in is trauma and I haven't had much practice lately. We get notified an ambulance has come in and it is a little boy. "William Tucker, 2, bookcase fell on him, likely internal injuries," the paramedics call out and my eyes widen as I realise this is Bailey's son. 

"Page, Shepard, Tores, Webber, Hanh and Bailey immediately," I yell at Halley and rush him into trauma room 1. I get Scott and Guzman to help me get the scans going while checking his breathing and giving him a small pain killer.

It is only a few minutes before people start rushing in and Derek is looking over his responses while I give him some oxygen. My interns have got out of the way and are watching from the window. "All four limbs are moving. Pupils are responsive. There's no neurological damage," Derek tells us.

I nod relieved, "Alright, let's get him on a monitor and where's the x-ray for the trauma series?" 

"Order a left forearm with the x-rays. There's bruising and swelling here," Callie instructs and I immediately do so. Knowing that Bailey will want to see everything done as soon as it was medically possible.

"Mama's right here little men, I'm right here," Bailey says listening to his heart.

"He was under a bookshelf?" Webber asks from his place where he is helping.

"The whole thing must have fallen over on top of him and all those medical books," Tucker explains tripping over his words, "he probably tried to climb up and pulled it over. I heard him screaming and I found him."

"Tucker I am trying to hear stop talking," Bailey demands and I share a look with Callie. This was likely to end badly

"Miranda let me do that," Webber says soothingly.

She shakes her head, "No I got it. I got it."


"What?" she asks and he moves her out the way. "This is why we put the baby gate in the living room," Bailey says to her husband frustrated. All of us doctors decide it would be best to let the parents argue while we work sharing a few uneasy glances.

"The gate was open," Tucker reveals.

Bailey yells at him, "You left the gate open?"

"No, I didn't."

Bailey looks shocked at his denial, "What? are you trying to say I left the gate open?"

"Accidents happen," Tucker tells her.

"Not if you take the time to bolt the bookshelf to the wall," Bailey retorts.

"I can't baby-proof every inch of that apartment and watch him at the same time," Tucker exclaims and it is obvious they are both getting frustrated.

"You weren't watching him," Bailey snaps, "otherwise, we wouldn't be here right now."

"He's got decreased breath sounds on the left side, and his abdomen's rigid," Webber tells us all as Derek writes it down. 

"What does all this mean?" Tucker asks worriedly.

I look at him, "there is possibly internal injuries."

"What kind of injuries?"

"We don't have time for questions. He needs a full trauma workup. Clear a CT and get me an ultrasound machine," Bailey orders. I nod and go to get them ready, not bringing up the fact family can't work on family. Webber is her supervisor he can have that fun conversation.

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