Chapter 6

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Nik: A little birdy told me that the necklace may be in the hands of the Doppelganger.

Me: Are you sure that this is correct? I trust you, but your sources have been wrong before Nik.

Nik: I'm sure. The necklace is needed by tomorrow.

Me: It will be in your hands tonight if you get your Hybrid ass here. We storm the school tonight. Senior pranks. Kol would have loved it.

Nik: Too bad he's in the coffin.

Me: When will you wake him?

Nik: When we get the necklace and fix the hybrid problem, I promise you that I will wake Kol and Finn. Just keep them in line. They listen to you.

Me: Deal. Gotta blast, Rebekah is kidnapping doppelwhore!

I put my phone away and smiled. I finally got him to agree! I swear he better undagger them or I will get them myself.

"I got the bitch. She's passed out in the car. I can drive!" Rebekah beams as she opens the car door for me to get inside. In the very back row is Elena, wrapped up in a blanket, ready to be delivered to my brother. I usually would feel bad, but this girl had allowed her friends to attack my family and is currently plotting my brother's demise. She is not to be trusted.

"Just make sure she's not too injured. I don't want to give her my blood," I shriek as Rebekah accidentally puts her foot on the gas, causing me to nearly fall forward. Stefan and Damon come running to the car and open up the doors to find me with an annoyed look on my face. "You really aren't that great of a driver, Bex."

"I'm out of practice, little one. You just aren't used to the modern automobile," Rebekah insists as Stefan slides into the car, Damon soon following after him. I was sure that my face resembled that of the hot red truck that almost ran us over on the way to Mystic Falls.

"I have no idea what just happened, but I'm warning you, Bekah, if I learn that you nearly kill my mate I will be having some harsh words with you and even harsher hands," Damon teases lightly, putting his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him enough that I was practically laying on his lap. Stefan looked annoyed but didn't say anything, just brooding in his little side of the car.

"Hush, sister," I whisper into Damon's chest, taking in more of his scent. I layed fully down on Damon, my head now on his lap. I kicked my legs up and lowered them on Stefan. "Don't be sad, Stefan, you can get my legs. There's enough of me to go around."

"Yeah, Stefan, don't brood over our mate. We can both be with her. I'll be willing to share with my favorite bunny eating brother," Damon teases. Stefan rolls his eyes and stares out the window.

"I have no clue if the girl in the back is going to live past tonight, but if she doesn't, can I kill her?" Rebekah asks the boys like they had the reins in deciding poor baby Elena's fate.

"Bex, Nik already gave me the honors," I admitted. Rebekah groans and mutters something under her breath about how Nik always ruins her fun.

"So, what's the plan, darlings?" Damon asks with his usual Damon attitude.

"Nik is coming with us to get the necklace. I suspect that they will put up a fight. They don't want Nik to be making his hybrids. I don't know how it affects them outside of Elena and the whole sacrifice mojo. If it doesn't affect you and doesn't do any harm you shouldn't be against it. I think that they're scared of the power Nik has. Mystic Falls vampires, werewolves, and witches have the tendency to not understand that they are not the most powerful of their kind. No offense to you," Damon laughed and Stefan nodded his head.

"None taken, darling, but why do they really need the necklace? How does that tiny little necklace play into this?" Damon asks. So he knows how to ask the good questions. Thank the fates for putting me with a hot and smart guy.

"The necklace is the key to contacting the Original Witch. I have a feeling that Elena doesn't actually need to die. I think that the Original Witch created a crafty spell that would isolate Nik from his own kind and not allow him to create hybrids, even after the sacrifice. Think about it, if he sacrifices Elena, the doppelganger line dies with her. I think that you need doppelgangers for hybrids to happen. I don't know if I'm right, but it's just a theory," I explained the notion to my mates. My sister takes in a deep breath before finally turning into the school.

"Who is the Original Witch?" Stefan asks.

"Esther. The woman who ruined my life not only one, but two times. A powerful witch that created the spell against Nik and his werewolf side. The woman who allowed me to be used and abused my entire life. I'm glad that she's dead. Mother dearest never did care much about anything but power." Damon and Stefan looked at me like I was crazy.

"Wait, your mother?! The Original Witch is your mother?"

"We are considered the Original Family. Esther Mikaelson is the mother of us all. Most of us hate her for what she did. I do. I hate her guts for so many different regions. If I could banish her from this universe I would. I don't care if I damn another universe to the torture of having her in it. She is vile. Don't fall for her act. It is just that, an act. She manipulated us all our whole lives."

"We hold no love in our hearts for that woman. She took away so much from us. Monsters. She turned us into monsters and then blamed us for her wrongdoings. Even Nik would never do something like that. Her husband is worse. Father hates us all, but he hates Nik and Astrid the most. He has tried to have us hate her just as he does ever since we learned about her siphoning abilities. He beat us when we would defend her. Astrid was never allowed to be our sister."

"Damn. I swear, I'll try and kill that guy if he tries to go after you all. Damnit. I thought our Father was a piece of shit," Damon shakes his head at the thought.

"Well, we are here. Nik will be meeting us inside. He's probably already started his spectacle. Let's hope that this doesn't end in a bloodbath. Remember our targets. One of Elena's friends has Rebekah's necklace. We find it, we take it, we stay out of Nik's way, and we get the hell out. Capeesh?"

The show has only just begun. Oh, little children, your worst nightmare has just begun.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂, Stefan and DamonWhere stories live. Discover now