Chapter 1

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«Julia Carter?» the severe-looking secretary called in an annoyed tone.

The girl who had been nervously flipping through a magazine looked up at her an stood up nervously. She abandoned the copy of "People" on the coffee table and followed the secretary into the office of Mr. P. Bushwell, Malibu Beach Manager, as it said on the golden plaque screwed to the door. Sighing in relief, Noah kept staring at his black sneakers, thankful that his time to interview wasn't now.

The lifeguard job for this beach was told to be a dream come true for most teen who envisioned a lifeguard summer career. A quiet, small beach, with not many swimmers or surfers, people preferring to enjoy this peaceful zone away from the stirring action of Malibu by tanning or reading. The job had gotten vacant after the last lifeguard had gone missing, leaving the beach one evening and not showing up the next morning. The teenager's face had been everywhere from the papers to the news for days, but there never was a sign of her.

Back from a week and a half trip to Hawaii, which had cost him pretty much all of his savings, Noah had just completed the last requirement in the Red Cross training to get that job. He kept playing with the braided leather bracelet to his wrist while rethinking this whole thing.

"Is this really worth it? Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?!"

Noah considered leaving the waiting room now to keep himself from going through with this interview. He didn't really want the job, but he could just imagine his parent's faces if their only son told them he would be doing absolutely nothing that summer before he was gone off to college. Oh yeah. Damn, he really needed the cash. He shook his head as if to clear out his thoughts, convincing himself that only nervousness was troubling his focus.

After what seemed like hours of staring across the waiting room, the door to the office opened and the girl Julia appeared behind it, looking somehow unsure of herself. She got out of the office and went for the front door. She smiled uncomfortably at Noah, who replied with a slight grin. After the girl left, Noah went back to staring at his shoes. He didn't do that for long though because his name was called by the secretary's twangy voice.

Clearing his throat, he thought to himself as he was standing up:

"Well, might as well get this thing over with now."

He stepped into a very -like, really- clean office. That office could've been used for a cleaning supplies advertisement. Not a spec of dust could be seen. The large window was so clear one could've believed it wasn't even there, the hardwood floor was impeccable, the desk empty except for an opened file. And finally, the only plant -some sort of tall leafy monster- was glowing a neon green, practically lighting the room. Hey, add a metal bed and you've got yourself a hospital room, Noah joked to himself.

Standing behind the desk, a sandy blond haired man, maybe mid-thirties and reasonably fit, had his eyes studying the documents lying on the imposing desk. Mr. Bushwell motioned for the newcomer to sit down. Noah took place on the uncomfortable-looking chair and waited for his interlocutor to speak first.

"Impressive resume", the beach manager said interrupting a minute or two of silence.

"Um thanks", answered Noah, "Although half of it is work unwillingly done by me and forced on me by my parents under the threat of being kicked out of my house." he added silently.

"So you're Noah Williams, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you're..?"


"Are you planning on going to college when the summer's over?"

"Yeah, to LA Pierce College."

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