Chapter 1

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~10 years later~
year 2681:

Chapter 1:
~In the Human Nation (east side, King Eric's castle)~

People found peace and comfort after the two different species,humans and vampires, split into two different sides. After the vampires moved to the west, they appointed their leader ,Marcello Tradzella, as their king, the very first vampire to come into existance and the most powerful creature to ever walk the earth. They built a castle in Mexico , the greatest city in the vampire nation. Humans,on the other hand, specifically King Eric De Vaca, lived in the castle that stayed since the Black War of Vampires and Humans, the castle that belonged to King Lucas De Vaca,located in Australia.

"King Eric." Said the guard bowing, "there is someone here to see you."

"And who would that be?" Asked the king with furrowed eyebrows.

"Lord David ,my king." Said the guard with his face still lowered to the ground thats gorgeously covered with red expensive carpets.

"Let him in." So the guard pushed the door open and signaled for the lord to come in,welcoming lord David Mccartan.
The guard left the two royals alone.

Lord David Mccartan; one of the most loyal and powerful lords, the kings bestfriend since they were children.

"My king," started the lord,"Today is the day.Today King Marcello and his two sons are joining us over lunch to discuss business about trading a fair amount of their golds with our precious white horses."

"Perfect," said the king ,closing his book that he was reading ,"Prepare everything necessary for the arrangments, tell my Children and The Queen to prepare themselves, today is a long day." Ordered the king with a stern voice.

And so with that Lord David nodded and left the king's chamber.


"Ukhhh, i dont want to be in this stupid event,i have nothing to do with these monsters ." Whined the eighteen year old Candice.

"But my princess,its an order from the ki..." . The servant was interrupted when the princess raised her hand signAling her to shut up and leave the room, and so the servant did.

"Candice dont be such a baby, its a must -must situation to be in the event." Said Jack, her arrogant older brother with his usual mocking voice.

Jack De Vaca, the older brother of candice, the heir to the throne, the ambitious greedy prince. He never treated Candice as his sister ,he somehow sees her as a threat to his throne. His biggest enemy-as almost every human- are vampires. But he, on the other hand, doesnt want a single vampire alive, his greatest dream is take over the west side also and demolish every single vampire.

Candice rolled her eyes at her brother and said,"well since your so interested in meeting these monsters go by yourself , I want to go visit my boyfriend , its been a long time."

Jack face palmed himself at the idiocity of the -so called-princess ,"Serioulsy, you want to pay you naïve boyfriend a visit when you can meet the king of the vampires and discuss with him business stuff."

"Oh I care less about these monsters , go by yourself." Said the princess in a sleepy voice, boredom obvious in her tone.

Her brother rolled his eyes and left his sister's chamber.

After his exit ,Candice opened her closet and started to pick her clothes to go visit her dear boyfriend ,Harry Greenburn. Her boyfriend since she was sixteen years old.His father, Wilson Greenburn is a wellknown doctor. Candice and Harry met when King Eric caught a severe flu, and Wilson came to check him up with his son ,so he can take a look how doctors work so he will become someday,like his father. After the King healed fast , they started inviting the Greenburn family for lunch so often, thanking them for saving the king from his coma. And so like that, day after day, they fell in love and started going out.


Short chapter sorry! Next chapter will be longer its just the beggining ; ).

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