Chapter 2

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Two  chapters in one day! Enjoy!


~In the vampire nation(west side, KIng Marcello's castle)~

           After spiliting the two species to two sides,all of the humans that used to live there were either killed or sent to the east.King Marcello now rules all of the west side of the earth. He has two sons,more like princes, Gabriel Tredzella ,most people call him Gabe, and Troy Tredzella.

         The king and his family were sitting out in their  garden  silently,each one staring in a different directiion, enjoying the sound of the nature and the smell of the roses and definetely, the view of the massive blue glorious ocean.

"So today were heading to the east.' Troy broke the ice.

'Yes,in fact we're heading in an hour". Said the king bluntly."This is a big step for you princes,this way you will have some experience on how vampires and these mere humans discuss trading  business." Said the king with his head held up high.

        Troy Tredzella, the elder brother of the Tredzella family, most likely the heir to the throne,he is a 700 years old  serious ,hardworking prince,though he used to have  a fun and bright side, but no one has seen it since the loss of his dear girlfriend. Before she passed away all of his life was about her and love and fun and joy, he didnt take being an heir to the throne so seriously since his father is basically immortal, but after his precious loss,no one saw him smile a bit, the fun,joyful,bright  Troy is so long gone with the soul of his beloved girlfriend.After her death, he promised himself not to fall in love again, since then all he cared about was the throne and power.His father loved the fact that he became serious about his job and became more mature.

          Gabriel Tradzella on the other hand,is the smallest prince in the family,he and his brother  get along so well, they are actually bestfriends.He is a 690  years old naive  boy,where he is in a world of rainbows and unicorns, not a care in the unfair  strict world. He had done so many stupid taboos in his long 690 years of living.Unlike his brother, he takes nothing seriously, the only reason he accepted going to the east , is actually because he is curious about how the east side looks like.

       "Why do you hate humans so much,we're not so different, we just happen to be more sexy and have fangs.' Said Gabe with a chuckle

His father gave him a deadly glare and started ," Dont you know the history young boy!? Our kinds were slauhtered for fun and we were seen as monsters, but the true fact is that they are monsters." His father shouted  in a deadly scaring  voice.

"Actually some of them are goo.."

"Cut the crap Gabe.' Troy interrupted him.

"Common guys ,stop the arguing and lets head to the east its a long ride and we have to be there by lunchtime." The Queen spoke up making her prescence known.

   They all head to the carriage and started their long ride to the east.


~In the human nation( King Erics castle)

   "What do you mean shes not coming!" The furious king shouted at the innocent young guard."Its not up to her to decide whether to show up or not!"

"I..I... king..but..she is at her..umm boyfriends house..." The shivering scared guard informed King Eric.

" Bring her NOW! doesnt she understand how important this is for her future and all she cares about is this boyfriend!" Roared the king rubbing his forehead at  his naive young daughter.

And so, the loyal guard nodded and rushed outside.

 After the guard exit,the Queen  came rushing worringly to her angry husband.

"Relax she will be there, Im sure." Said the queen patting the kings shoulder.The king sighed and left his chamber to take some fresh air,only to be greeted by Lord David.

" We brought the princess my king.''


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we'll be posting the cast members later. xxoxoxox



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