The Girls Talks To Y/N

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After we got finish looking through  Y/N memories we see him at a table playing a board game so we decide that the girls would like to talk to him.

A/N: the boys will be  off doing some fun most likely doing quests to bring shares up

Y/n: hey girls y'all need anything
The girls sit with him and are concerned
Neptune,vert,Blanc,Noire: yeah it's about your memories
Hyper Asuka: we saw them and we are very concerned and sad about them
Uni: especially the second one
Y:n what about that one
Asuka: Babe when we saw it that was the sweetest thing you ever done, sending them to heaven made us cry

Rom &Ram: she is correct about that
Y/n: I've never knew about this but I'm proud of y'all for doing that, so what else did y'all see
Asuka: do you remember when we first met each other at high school
Y/N: yeah I do
Asuka: and the time we went to the park together, went to my mom house and had Sex together after she left.

#Y/N and Asuka touch hands#, Y/n: course I remember I will never forget that memory
One tear comes out of her eyes and same goes for the  other girls
Y/N: so what else did you see
Neptune: You was correct about the methods that you told me before
Y/N: I believe you saw everything about a girl name Arfoire
Nepgear: we did and when we saw it obviously Neptune wanted to see it first hand since she was transformed in her hdd mode to mess her up till she stop

Neptune was smiling and had no problems about it
Blanc: if she was still here, she might as well accept her punishment
Noire: I agree
Vert: as long she is careful then there won't be no consequences for her

The candidates have no problem about this
Y/N: wow that must have been insane but I understand, anything else
Hyper Asuka: we saw a battle between you and my husband and I have to say it was a very good battle between friends
Y/N: yeah I remember that one but it was quite a long time when we had our battle
Nepgear: indeed and that final attack that we all saw did alright especially the smile on both of your faces was good
Y/N: I appreciate your answer and so is there one more that you like to ask
Neptune: actually we saw one more that we had to save a special person from being killed by these people

Y/N: I'm going to say that the person name is Steve who died at that spot and I  can say, that is asuka dad

Hyper Asuka & Asuka: is this true
Tears start to come out of there eyes
Y/n: yes it is I brought him here to start a fresh life but he needs some time to rest he is unaware of this dimension but you will see him soon ok.

Hyper Asuka & Asuka: thank you for this
Y/N: you're welcome so that should be everything you saw in my head and I am grateful for that, it was nice talking to y'all and I'll see you later
Y/N walks away

All of the girls: Thank you for this conversation Y/N we will never forget this.

Chapter end, thank you for reading

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