Chapter 2

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**Countryhumans America pov**
So I'm in an alternative universe? Where there are different types of country personifications?


Makes sense.

The version of me that's here is pretty cool. He has a pet whale named Whale Dude, and a literal alien who is named Tony.

I just have a bald eagle. But I can talk to him so honestly I don't know whats cooler.

And alien is cooler. Sorry Free. (My eagle.)

But on top of all of that, he's just like me. I our history is the same, the same shit is happening in both of our worlds United States, and he understands. He too feels guilty for destroying country's. He to hates what he has become. He to is tormented every day by fellow country's who claim to be allies.

And them. The others. They seem to forget about the fact that me and him- or we; I don't know, have feelings. They seem to forget that they have faults. They never notice. The bandages. The sickly figure.

It was the same here.

They had really only been with eachother less than 30 minutes, but we already found comfort in eachother. It was something about it. Just having someone you know perfectly who you know understands and isn't lying when they say that they do. Understand, that is.

It wasn't like being with the others.

He had a meeting soon. He had a meeting? So, technically I had a meeting? We had one? ...There was a meeting in this world soon.

I'm pretty sure that I'm going. Sadly. They'll probably be worse now that there are two of us.  Two of me? Two of him? I honestly have no idea what be pronoun to use.

"Welp. Looking forward to seeing my freinds and family and allies in your world!" I say, rolling my eyes.

He lightly laughs and replies with: " Sarcasm abounds."

*"Time skip brought to you by fnafers. (Anyone else in it with me?)**

Wearing my same fake smile, I charge through the door and yell my usual greeting: "WASSUP FUCKERS!?"

As expected, ever county starts to stare at me, wondering who the fuck I am and why I look like a flag.

One of them is actually brave enough to speak to me. I think he's trying to be intimidating.

"Who are you?" He asks. I'm pretty sure he's this worlds Ruski. The looks and the accent match up. But then again that's just a theory. (Me:A GAME THEORY!!!!!)

Then other me comes in with a million dollar smile on his face and yells "The hero has arrived!"

He looks around to see all the confused faces. "I see you've already met my friend," He says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

Someone I assume is Britan stands up. "You know this strange creature?"

Suddenly a note similar to the one that was in other me's bathroom appears. This time, I read it.

"Hi everyone, this person is from and alternative universe. He's a different type of country personification. A different type of America. Also, Countryhumans America, your eagle is mad, so I'm yeeting her in this dimension."

Oh no...

Suddenly a magestic bald eagle appears. As expected, as soon as she sees me, she flies over and starts pecking.

"Ow! Free, stop! I'm sorrrry! I was yeeted into and alternative dimension randomly and I didn't get a chance to bring you! Stop! I'm sorryyyy!"

She stops, tilts her head, and caws "I am one mad motherfucker."
She pecks me one last time and then settles down on my shoulder.

Everybody is either looking very confused or looking exasperated, probably thinking that they don't need two of us. Or two of me? Two of him! Augh goddammit, two America's!

One stands up and starts yelling at everyone to shut up. Due to the accent, I assume it's Germany.

He tell us to go sit down. Almost immediately I fall asleep. It's a bad habit. I wake up cause Free is poking me.

The meeting is utter chaos.

I'm shocked.

Our meetings get heated, but never physical. And U.N. or E.U. or someone usually smooths it over. Wait... Where are they?

Do they not exist in this world?


That explains the chaos.

And then there's yelling to shut up, so that throws away that.

But it's Germany that's yelling, so I'm probably right. But I don't know. I'll ask them.

"Everybody shut up!!" He yells. "We have important matters to address. Other America, I'm guessing you need to meet everyone. So, everyone, introduce yourselves."

"Why are you telling them what to do? Where is U.N?" Everybody looks at me confused. "Are they not personified here or something?"

A/N I'm making U.N. literally gender neutral. They are thechnically a bunch of country personifications in one so.... Yeah. That's why they will be referred to as they.

A dude who I think is Iceland speaks. "Are U.N., E.U. and all that personified over there?"

Someone who sounds swedish, so is probably Sweden, finishes Iceland's thought. "Yeah no, they don't exist here."

"Ugh, typical America, asking stupid questions that delay everyone." Britan says. I sigh. They're the same here. Some random country yells something from the back. "You idiot! Your just like him! We shouldn't even give you the honor of introductions!"

Heads nod in aggrement and insults pour in.

Thank God for my mask.

I can feel it breaking... A tiny crack, but a crack whatsoever. I can't tell what it's from. Anger? Rage? Misery? Suicidal thoughts? Pain? Regret?

It's actually probably all those things.

But I also think it's somewhat because of the fact that it's there at all.

I mostly think it's because of meeting this other me, one with the same pains and regrets as me. I can't really tell if it because meeting each other made us worse, or if it has already started to heal us.

Honestly everything about being here is new and confusing.

Except for the way the others act.

As always, some are just looking on and doing nothing, some are laughing, and others are insulting us.

Nothin new.


I'll keep and eye on that crack.

See where it goes.

What will it mean for the other countries? Of both worlds?

But most importantly...

What does it mean for me?


I'll keep an eye on it.

Hetalia Meets Countryhumans ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now